Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
5104 Discussions

Settings and selections



I'd like to request a couple of enhancements.  In 2022.3.0 that I just installed, there is a new feature: Flame Graph.  A great feature!  I am not sure in what circumstances it shows the call stack (any hint?).  Yet when it does, I see that the functionality of the call stack panel is shared with the Bottom-up tab, which means that the reasonable call stack view in the Bottom-up is now broken.  Ugh!

I would like to request that the call stack panel (a) remembers my last selection when I open a source window (and then come back), (b) remembers my choice whether [not] to display the file name and line (I don't care for those), and (c) if possible, make it work like the call stack panel used to in the Bottom-up tab.  The old interface had at least one advantage over the new one: function names were links, which means they were in blue, and they stood out.  The new call stack panel is badly formatted (the font is crap) and takes too long to show.

You can create good visuals, judging by the Flame Graph.  So, do a better job with the Call Stack panel, please.

Thank you!


P.S. Sorry, forgot one other feature.  Please make it so the tooltips in the Call Stack panel could be turned off.  I really don't care to see those: they give me no additional information and get in the way of seeing the call stack.  Thank you!

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7 Replies


Thank you for posting in Intel communities.

Thank you for your feedback. We have provided your feedback to the relevant team. At this moment there is no visibility when it will be implemented and available for use. Please let me know if we can go ahead and close this case?



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We have some doubts about your feature requests. Can you please answer the below questions?

(a) Is it necessary to remember the last selection in the call stack panel ? If so, why?

(b) Could you please attach the images you're referring to in the old(blue links) and new interfaces (if you double click on any function on the function call stack, it redirects to the source/assembly code).

(c) Tool tips would appear only the first time we launched the VTune application. There is a button to turn on tooltips when needed. We used that feature to assist new VTune users in learning how to navigate the Botton-up Tab. Why do you want it turned off? Is it popping up every time without clicking that button?





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Thank you for your questions.


(a) The selection helps keeping my focus on what I just examined.  When I close the source tab and come back to "Bottom Up" or "Flame Graph", I intend to go up or down the stack, having a selection helps locate where I was.


(b) Sorry, I can't.  I already installed the new version of VTune.  Take a look at the call stack displayed in "Bottom Up" view (with a function selected) a couple of versions back.  Then compare it to the current call stack view.  Try to figure out the best in both.


(c) I think you're confusing the training overlay with tooltips.  Here is a tooltip:atooltip.png.  And here is another tooltip:atooltip2.png  They both (especially the latter) cover some information on the screen.  I want to be able to turn them off when I want.  If there is already a way, let me know.


Hope this help, at least a bit.


Thank you.



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Hi Victor,


Good day to you.

We have contacted the dev team and dev team has requested more information. Please answer the below questions.


>>The selection helps keeping my focus on what I just examined. When I close the source tab and come back to "Bottom Up" or "Flame Graph", I intend to go up or down the stack, having a selection helps locate where I was.

Could you please elaborate, with screenshots, on the type of selection (Thread selections, call stack selections, etc.) and pane to which you are referring? 


>>Sorry, I can't. I already installed the new version of VTune. Take a look at the call stack displayed in "Bottom Up" view (with a function selected) a couple of versions back. Then compare it to the current call stack view. Try to figure out the best in both.

While hovering over those call stacks, the text will be displayed blue in color (as you wanted).


>>I think you're confusing the training overlay with tooltips. Here is a tooltip: . And here is another tooltip:. They both (especially the latter) cover some information on the screen. I want to be able to turn them off when I want. If there is already a way, let me know.

Tooltips are displayed so that new users can easily navigate through the Vtune profiler, and there is no feature available in Vtune to turn off the tooltips when desired. So, we would like to know the specific reason for your request.





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Tooltips are displayed so that new users can easily navigate through the Vtune profiler, and there is no feature available in Vtune to turn off the tooltips when desired. So, we would like to know the specific reason for your request.


I do not care to repeat myself.  If you "would like to know the specific reason", reread the thread and try to pay attention.


Have a good one!



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Hello Victor,

Thank you for the feedback. I was able to reproduce two of the issues you describe above (source file / line configuration persistence, and call stack pane refresh issues) and filed bug reports so they will be considered for upcoming Intel(R) VTune(TM) Profiler updates.

In the call stack pane, the function names are still links, but not displayed in blue. If you mouse hover over the function names (or the file name / line), you will see it switch to blue and allow you to click through to the source for most of the call stack entries. I will also report this and the pop-up "tooltip" window configuration request to the development team for usability regression / improvements.

Thank you again for your feedback.

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Hello Victor,

I have added your bug reports and feature requests to our tracking database and they will be considered for future releases. I will be closing this issue from Intel's perspective and track the requests in our database. Thank you.

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