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VTune Profiler with Python - No result

2.378 Vistas

Hi all,

I'm having trouble running a hotspot analysis with my Python code. I've only been working with VTune and compiled code (Fortran) so far. Maybe someone can help.

I copied the command line to make things easier:



...>"C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\VTune Profiler 2020\bin64\vtune" -collect hotspots -knob enable-characterization-insights=false -target-duration-type=veryshort -app-working-dir "C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\Documents\01_Projects\*\*\*" -- "C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\.conda\envs\Python 3 base\python.exe" test\test_min_tw.py
vtune: Collection started. To stop the collection, either press CTRL-C or enter from another console window: vtune -r C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\Documents\01_Projects\*\*\*\r000hs -command stop.
vtune: Collection stopped.
vtune: Using result path `C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\Documents\01_Projects\*\*\gv-*\r000hs'
vtune: Executing actions 12 % Loading '402472-403252.0.trace' file
vtune: Error: Cannot load data file `C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\Documents\01_Projects\*\*\*\r000hs\data.0\402472-403252.0.trace' (Data file is corrupted).
vtune: Executing actions 100 % done
vtune: Error: 0x40000025 (Inapplicable report) -- The report 'summary' is not applicable to the result C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\Documents\01_Projects\*\*\*\r000hs\r000hs.vtune.



To me it seems like the code isn't even run. I also tried with a much simpler test program with the same result. Note that I'm using Python with Anaconda on Windows. The path to the python executable is correct. I think the space in the path shouldn't matter?!

Any hints what I have to look for?

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6 Respuestas
2.363 Vistas

Hi Fabian,


This is a known issue of not being able to perform user based sampling of python applications in windows machine.  Our engineering team is working on resolving this. You would be able to analyse your python code by switching over to hardware based sampling  for now.


PFB an example command you can use to perform Hardware Event-based Sampling.




"C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\VTune Profiler 2020\bin64\vtune" -collect hotspots -knob sampling-mode=hw -app-working-dir "C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\Documents\01_Projects\*\*\*" -- "C:\Users\Fabian.Nick\.conda\envs\Python 3 base\python.exe" test\test_min_tw.py






Arun Jose


2.349 Vistas

Thanks for the info, Arun.

Running that, I get the following two errors:

vtune: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling due to a problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*). Check that the driver is running and the driver group is in the current user group list. See the "Sampling Drivers" help topic for further details.
vtune: Error: To collect hardware events, run the product as administrator.

The last one I need to discuss with our admin Do I also need to do something about the driver issue or will that be resolved when running as admin as well?



2.342 Vistas

Hey Fabian


The first error vtune: Error: Cannot enable Hardware Event-based Sampling due to a problem with the driver (sep*/sepdrv*) is because you might not have sep(vtunes sampling driver) installed on your machine


The sep is a mandatory requirement on windows machine for collecting hadware event based hotspots,


To verify the sampling driver is installed correctly on a Microsoft Windows* OS, open the command prompt as an administrator and run the amplxe-sepreg.exe utility located at < VTUNE-INSTALLED-DIRECTORY>\bin32  (try bin64 if bin32 is not present)


To check whether the sampling driver is loaded, enter:

amplxe-sepreg.exe -s



If the sampling driver is not installed but the system is supported by the VTune Profiler , execute the following command with the administrative privileges to install the driver:



amplxe-sepreg.exe -i



And about the second error, as you have already inferred the vtune should be launched as administrator.



Arun Jose

2.323 Vistas

Hey Fabian,

Have you tried out the solution provided. Does that help in solving your issue?



2.287 Vistas

Hi Arun,

unfortunately, IT cannot give me admin permissions on the machine I'm working on and we do not have any development machines at the moment (and I doubt the situation would be different there). Also, on Windows it seems it's not possible to allow me to start this single application as admin. Wrong OS...

If you have any other ideas, or if you know the issue wit SW profiling will be fixed in the near future, please let me know!



2.283 Vistas

Hi fpnick,

Our engineering teams are working on fixing the SW profiling on windows. We will let you know once the fix is ready and available.

