Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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VTune does not ask for a .pdb or .map file when loading .exe without debug or symbol info.

I am using the eval version of Intel VTune Peformance Analyzer 9.1 for Windows.

When start VTune, I select "Quick Performance Analysis" and specify an appexecutable to load. There is no debug or symbol info in the app executable, neither there is any external .pdb or .map file containing the debug or symbol info. But when I click the "Go" button, VTune will not ask me for the external .pdb or .map file, instead, it just load the app. This bahavior does not match the description in help document.

Plesae tell us what's wrong? Thanks.
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2 Replies

First time, VTune Analyzer will askthe userabout external .pdb file for debugging info to display hotspot report; If the user can't provide it at this time, there are hot addresses instead of hot functions to be displayed in the report - and VTune will not ask the user again (to save time) at second run.

The user have to clean up associated info of modules in symbol repository, exit the tool, reenter the tool to create a new project (activity), then VTune Analyzer will ask for external .pdb file again (if .pdb file doesn't co-exist with .exe/.dll file at same directory).

Regards, Peter

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Quoting chcw
I am using the eval version of Intel VTune Peformance Analyzer 9.1 for Windows.

When start VTune, I select "Quick Performance Analysis" and specify an appexecutable to load. There is no debug or symbol info in the app executable, neither there is any external .pdb or .map file containing the debug or symbol info. But when I click the "Go" button, VTune will not ask me for the external .pdb or .map file, instead, it just load the app. This bahavior does not match the description in help document.

Plesae tell us what's wrong? Thanks.

Don't use the QPA. Use Sampling Wizard or Call Graph Wizard. I think you will find the behavior different, and better.

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