Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)

VTune no analysis results



I have downloaded the VTune Performance analyser.
When i run it againt my application i dont get any output (call graph).
But when i run it against a sample application i get the required output, I would like to know what is going wrong when i run it againt my application.

Below mentioned are the steps i am executing to use vtune.

$vtl activity -c callgraph -app ./a.out -moi ./a.out run
VTune Performance Analyzer 8.0.4 for Linux*
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Activity has been successfully created.
The Activity is running.
Fri Jul 27 00:40:43 2007 Reading property files started...

Fri Jul 27 00:40:45 2007 Reading property files done.

Fri Jul 27 00:40:45 2007 Static instrumentation started
Fri Jul 27 00:40:47 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "a.out" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:40:57 2007 Exports instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:40:58 2007 Exports instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:41:00 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Sample file
Fri Jul 27 00:41:05 2007 Exports instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:41:05 2007 Static instrumentation done
Fri Jul 27 00:41:05 2007 Data collection started...
Fri Jul 27 00:41:05 2007 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "30607", started writing Call Graph data.

Fri Jul 27 00:41:05 2007 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "30607", finished writing Call Graph data.

Fri Jul 27 00:41:14 2007 Data collection finished...
Fri Jul 27 00:41:14 2007 Updating Call graph database...
Fri Jul 27 00:41:14 2007 Trying to find symbols for module (1 / 7) /lib/
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Succeeded!
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Trying to find symbols for module (2 / 7) /lib/tls/
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Succeeded!
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Trying to find symbols for module (3 / 7) /lib/
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Succeeded!
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Trying to find symbols for module (4 / 7) /usr/lib/
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Succeeded!
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Trying to find symbols for module (5 / 7) /home/user/bin/a.out
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Succeeded!
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Trying to find symbols for module (6 / 7) /lib/
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Succeeded!
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Trying to find symbols for module (7 / 7) /lib/tls/
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Succeeded!
Fri Jul 27 00:41:15 2007 Done.
The Activity has finished running.

$ vtl show -all
VTune Performance Analyzer 8.0.4 for Linux*
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

r1___Call Graph Results [localhost] - Fri Jul 27 00:41:14 2007

$ vtl view a1

I get the required Stack Trace for the sample file.


Now when i run the same vtl command with the same arguments againt my application i dont get any output.... Below are the steps that i executed:

$ vtl activity -c callgraph -app ./app,"-ORBEndPoint iiop://" -moi ./app run
VTune Performance Analyzer 8.0.4 for Linux*
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Activity has been successfully created.
The Activity is running.
Fri Jul 27 00:44:45 2007 Reading property files started...

Fri Jul 27 00:44:57 2007 Reading property files done.

Fri Jul 27 00:45:01 2007 Static instrumentation started
Fri Jul 27 00:47:28 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "dis51ws" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:47:47 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:48:12 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:48:12 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:48:27 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:48:33 2007 Exports instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:49:21 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 00:53:32 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:01:39 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:01:52 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:03:48 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:15 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:20 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:27 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:35 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:36 2007 Minimal instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:36 2007 Exports instrumentation of module "" was skipped.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:37 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:48 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:49 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:49 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:49 2007 Exports instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:53 2007 All functions instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:56 2007 Exports instrumentation of module "" was successful.
Fri Jul 27 01:04:56 2007 Static instrumentation done
Fri Jul 27 01:04:56 2007 Data collection started...
Registering SessionManager
Setting up the Operation Mode and Application Name
Setting the creator of DCSThreadMonitor
Starting the memory manager
Fri Jul 27 01:08:55 2007 Call Graph collection was cancelled.
Fri Jul 27 01:08:56 2007 Started writing Call Graph data.
Fri Jul 27 01:09:01 2007 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "590", started writing Call Graph data.

Fri Jul 27 01:09:19 2007 Process Cal l Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "590", finished writing Call Graph data.

Fri Jul 27 01:09:30 2007 Data collection finished...
The Activity has finished running.

$ vtl show
-VTune Performance Analyzer 8.0.4 for Linux*
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

r1___Call Graph Results [localhost] - Fri Jul 27 00:41:14 2007

$ vtl view a2
VTune Performance Analyzer 8.0.4 for Linux*
Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Activity Result was not found. Use 'vtl show' to display the project's contents.

As you can see that Activity a2 that was created for my application dose not have any trace.

I dont understand why this is occuring..... i am using the same compiler and same complication flags for both the example and the application build.

Any pointer will be of greate help.


0 Kudos
8 Replies

Hi Arun,

The difference against a.out is in the way how your application is started. I see that your application does a lot of extra work prior to running main processes. Will you send us more information about your application:

- how much processes it is running

- what is the main process (binary executable) for your application

In order to collect Call Graph VTune instruments binaries and then runs instrumented versions of it. It is seen from the logs that you create Call Graph activity for the ./app binary, but instrumentation and data collection is performed for dis51ws binary. What is the connection between ./app and dis51ws binaries?

The reason why you don't get Call Graph results is that VTune for some reason doesn't instrument ./app binary and thus is not able to collect data.

0 Kudos

Hi Andry,

Thanks for your response...

I appologise for the misunderstanding.....

there is no "app"executable we have one one exe that is dis51ws.... was mentioned to denote that an application was being run.

the command begin executed is

> vtl activity -c callgraph -app ./dis51ws,"-ORBEndPoint iiop://" -moi ./dis51ws run

There is only one exe and only one process that we are trying to get callgraph details for.

This exe links to many dynamic libraries (.so files) some are part of our project and some libraries are third party libraries... like CORBA libraries and DB libraries.. should that cause a problem in getting callgraph?



0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

It might be your application is sensitive to the instrumentation that VTune performs with all dependent libraties in order to collect CallGraph data. Can you decrease the instrumentation leveland perform the same experiment again?

In command line you can set instrumentation levels in the.ini file located here for the currect activity:

#vtl query -a | grep ini

Pleaseleaveall-functions instrumentation levelforuser executable,and minimal instrumentation level for user and systemshared object.Let me know how it goes.

0 Kudos

Hi Andrey,

I did try wat u said... but i have one doubt.

The .ini file (dis51ws.ini) is found in a directory /root/VTune/Projects/vtune/cg17AD000D/ this file is created only when i start the vtl command, but by then the "All functions instrumentation " is already done.

Is there some other central place where i can set minimal instrumentation level for user and systemshared object.

I also tried changing the cache and buffer size in /root/VTune/callgraph.xml but it did not help.

Some times i get an error like :

Fri Aug 3 00:10:34 2007 Call Graph collection was cancelled.
Fri Aug 3 00:10:35 2007 Started writing Call Graph data.
Fri Aug 3 00:10:45 2007 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "14402", started writing Call Graph data.

Fri Aug 3 00:11:11 2007 Data collection finished...
Fri Aug 3 00:11:13 2007 Error - Internal error while resolving the results file.
Some errors occurred during the collection. The Activity was cancelled.

Please do let me know if there is some log file that i can generate and upload to you or is there any other configuration i can do.....

I'd be really obliged if you could help me out with this..



0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

Please create CG activity first without running it, edit the file and then do run, like:

vtl activity -c callgraph -app ./app -moi ./app

vtl run

Let me know how it goes.

0 Kudos

I have exactly the same problem that Arun. I did everything tha Andrey suggests but not success, it means, reduce instrumentation to minimal value.

When I run vtl everything goes well, the application is working with no problem, then the application stop and the vtl window shows the message "Data collection started" and nothing more than that, so I get boring to wait and decide to press CTRL+C and no data was collected to show.

0 Kudos


Is your application big/complex enough? Can it happen that your application leaves some process active after it stops? For example Mozilla application when running first time creates a daemon process gconfd-2 that stays active (in memory) after you exit Mozilla. VTune during CG collection tracks children processes and in case of collecting CG data on Mozilla VTune will never finishes data collection because it waits untill gconfd-2 process finishes.

Do you see the same problem on other applications on the same system? For example when collecting CG data on the following application from VTune installation /opt/intel/vtune/samples/vtunedemo/vtunedemo?

0 Kudos
Hi Andrey,

Thanks for your response.

After my application stops I check all the status of all the threads, in fact, my application is complex and multithreated thats why I choose to evaluate VTUNE. To check the status of the application I use ps -eLf, then no threads are active so the problem seems to be other.

I also check the operation with a simple multithread application and VTUNE works, the graph shows me all the threads and what they were doing during application but when I try to profile the real application it fails.

Any other guess???

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