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VTune on Windows using JRocket 1.6.05

I am evaluating VTune with a java application running under the JRocket 1.6.05 VM on a Windows XP Service Pack 3 Intel Core TM 2 CPU 6300 @1.86 GHz.

VTune will launch the java application when I select Run Activity menu option but I never see a jit module for my application. The start window indicates that the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -agnetlib:javaperf was picked up correctly.

But, I only get one java.exe process in the Display All Processes window and that procsss has no jit module in it when I drill down. Also, the Activity/Run IMOM (Sampling) menu option stays selectable and the Activity/Stop (none) menu never becomes available.

Any thoughts on what I can do to be able to sample my java app process correctly in this application?
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4 Replies
First, is the activity ever actually completing? You say that the menu options aren't responding as you expect. Does the Output window show tha sampling completed? "Sampling data was successfully collected."

Second, where are all the samples attributed? If you have one Java process and you drill down into modules, where are the samples attributed. i.e., which module? Also, are you getting the number of samples you expect? By default, you should get 1000 samples per second per core. Look at the summary part of the sampling view and see if the total number of samples is appoximately equal to (duration * 1000 * # of cores).

Finally, have you tried running the sample Java app that is included with the VTune analyzer, e.g., gsexample2a?

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First, is the activity ever actually completing? You say that the menu options aren't responding as you expect. Does the Output window show tha sampling completed? "Sampling data was successfully collected."

Second, where are all the samples attributed? If you have one Java process and you drill down into modules, where are the samples attributed. i.e., which module? Also, are you getting the number of samples you expect? By default, you should get 1000 samples per second per core. Look at the summary part of the sampling view and see if the total number of samples is appoximately equal to (duration * 1000 * # of cores).

Finally, have you tried running the sample Java app that is included with the VTune analyzer, e.g., gsexample2a?

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deleted. please see next post for current errors.
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Quoting - jcmesina

I was able, after uninstalling and reinstalling VTune, to run the Call Graph on the gsexample2a class. But, I next tried to run the sampling wizard and got the following error:
A serious error occurred in file E:vttbuildworkspacesvtune_linux_0sourcewizards-2.0.10-55462srcwindowsVTSamplingWiz.cpp at line 531. The failed HRESULT that produced this error is 0x8000FFFF. Please contact technical support.
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