Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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VTune version and license info


Hi, I originally installed VTune Amplifier XE 2017 back in 2017 and I had an Educator/academic license.

This expired in early 2018 but I recently received a new one and installed it using Intel Software Manager tool.

Then I opened up VTune and went to "About VTune / Details" tab and it now says Expiration Date: 9/18/2019, so I think that worked :-)

But my questions for this forum are:

1. Do I have the latest version of VTune?  On the same About VTune / Details tab it says: Product Version: Update 1 (build 486001).

When I use the Intel Software Manager / Downloads tab, it says "you currently have the latest available software installed.." (which I doubt is correct)

2. Does the license/serial-number which I have active now allow me to install the 2018 VTune releases (up to Update 4)? (my current license is for Educator Intel® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Windows*)

My system is running Windows 10 RS4.

Please advise. Thank you,

Prof. Colin Reinhardt

University of Washington, Electrical Engineering Dept.


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1 Reply

Hi Colin,

The latest version of VTune Amplifier as of today is "2019", build #570779.

If your Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition license is actual and valid, it should allow download of the latest product version.
  • Please Log in to the Intel® Registration Center. 
  • From the list of your products displayed, go to the entry for the Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition
  • Click the version number under the "Download Latest Update" column
  • From the "Choose a Download Option" select "Customizable package" which allow to idownload  and install only the components you need, particulary "Intel VTune Amplifier".
Regards, Katya
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