Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
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comparing result files using command line

1,321 조회수
is there a way to use the command line to compare 2 result files ? the GUI works fine. i use the -collect and -report succesfully actions succesfully for 'exporting' individual results in xml format.
btw, it looks that no matter whatever option ( summary, problems... ) i use, the same file is created in xml .
thx a lot ..
great tool btw ...

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6 응답
새로운 기여자 II
1,321 조회수

Currently there is not a way to run Intel Inspector XE compare functionality directly from the command line. The command line is generally used to accelerate / manipulate routine work. As you mentioned, you can export data and use external tools to compare / diff the data.

In regards to the reporting behavior providing the same xml file you are experiencing, can you provide some example report command lines that exhibit the behavior? I can research the behavior and see what might be happening in your situation.


0 포인트
소중한 기여자 II
1,321 조회수

If your xml-files are Not huge you could try a very simple Windiff.exe utility from aMicrosoft'sPlatform SDK.

Windiff.exe allows to compare files in txt or binary formats. It is Not perfect, very limited in functionality, but it works well!

Best regards,
0 포인트
1,321 조회수
Hi Sergey,
I already tried it , but as you said ...xml files are huge !!!;-( .
The other thing i noticed is that the xml file , between 2 runs are completely different: the same memory leak is not at the same line in the 2 xml files ... and this makes the diff pretty difficult .... did you enconter this issue ?

I guess ill stay with the GUI for now, and eventually write a python script for diffing xml files ....

thanks a lot for the answer ,
0 포인트
소중한 기여자 II
1,321 조회수
Hi Laurent,

Sorry, I didn't understandyour statement about a memory leak. Is it in your application?

Also, there isanother utilityWinMerge. It is more advanced andhas better GUI for comparing folders and files. As far as I remember it isa free one...

Best regards,
0 포인트
1,321 조회수
Hi Serguey ,
yes the leak is in our application.
and i did try winmerge, which is free indeed , but it does not help much ... the 2 different xml files are too different : it looks that the leaks, UMA are not printed out at the same position. or maybe are they caught at a different time. the gui based diff tools does a good job though; but since we'd like to integrate Inspector in our build process, in order to detect mem leaks when they are injected in the code on a daily basis , we will need command line based diff tool ... we'll probably need to develop one ourseves ....
i can send you some result file if you want , in order to clarifiy the issue , if you fee like digging into this issue more ....
thx again for the answer .... its appreciated ...
0 포인트
소중한 기여자 II
1,321 조회수
Hi Laurent,

I would be glad to look at your two XML-files with memory leaks. Please create a test case for me, but Not Too big.

Also, I have a great experience of detecting andfixing memory leaks problems. In my current project I've implemented an absolutely portable, between several platformslike Windows Desktop & Mobile, Linux andMS-DOS,Memory Leaks Detection ( MLD ) subsystem. It is better than Microsoft'sMFC-basedMLD API because it is very simple bydesign ( ~900C/C++ code lines based on CRT-functions), portable,and of course, it isfor Debug configuration only.

I still use and will useMicrosoft's MLD API for all Microsoft's platforms as a backup.

Best regards,

PS: Here is an example how it works:

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