Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)

.net 4.5 support

Honored Contributor III

I am visiting a site which purchased 4 copies of VTune, intending to work with .net 4.5.  According to release notes, VTune supports only up to 4.0.  When attempting to analyze collected data, we got the message about not finding CLR 4.0 on the system, although clearly events are collected from the CLR and .net .dlls. 

Is support for .net 4.5 planned?

We will post a feature request on premier.

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14 Replies
Valued Contributor II
>>...When attempting to analyze collected data, we got the message about not finding CLR 4.0 on the system, although >>clearly events are collected from the CLR and .net .dlls. I just checked my notebook with Windows 7 Professional and it has .NET version 4.0. VTune ( Update 5 ) works on it without any problems. Please try to run Windows Update because it "forces" to use a right version of .NET. Also, should have different versions of .NET as standalone downloads.
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Honored Contributor III

We had better success when we disabled .net 4.5 dependent features and rebuilt with .net 4.0.

Apparently, it is possible, in simple cases, for recent VTune versions to run with .net 4.5.  The support team is helping us look into it.

For example, the sample case which comes with VTune can be compiled on command line and profiled, but there isn't much to see, as it runs under 10 milliseconds.  I couldn't build it from the supplied project file, even by opening up under VS2008, when VS2012 is also present.

Intel documentation refers to .net apparently as a synonym for C#.

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Valued Contributor II
>>...We had better success when we disabled .net 4.5 dependent features and rebuilt with .net 4.0... I checked two more computers and I don't see any signs for .NET version 4.5. Even Add and Remove programs applet from Control Panel doesn't show any .NET installations above version 4.0. >>Intel documentation refers to .net apparently as a synonym for C#. I don't think this is a proper statement in docs because C# is a language and .NET is a set of technologies.
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Valued Contributor I
Do you mean NET version of runtime? Check this link ://
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Honored Contributor III

Thanks, but that stackoverflow thread seems to indicate an even higher degree of confusion.

It does seem that logging out subsequent to updating of VS and VTune may have helped.

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Valued Contributor I

For installed version of NET framework please check this registry keyHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP

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Valued Contributor II
Tim, >>For example, the sample case which comes with VTune can be compiled on command line and profiled, but >>there isn't much to see, as it runs under 10 milliseconds. I couldn't build it from the supplied project file, even by >>opening up under VS2008, when VS2012 is also present. What sample case is it? And, what compilation errors are displayed in Output Window of Visual Studio 2008 / 2012?
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Honored Contributor III

The parallel nqueens C# sample project supplied with VTune is rejected by Visual Studio as not a supported project type.  The source file compiles and runs OK from command line.

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Valued Contributor II
>>...The parallel nqueens C# sample project supplied with VTune is rejected by Visual Studio as not a supported project type... I will verify with VSs 2008, 2010 and 2012 and let you know results.
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Valued Contributor II
Here is information for VS 2008 Professional Edition I used: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.1 SP Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 SP1 Installed Edition: Professional Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 91605-270-7019362-60956 Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Microsoft Visual C# 2008 91605-270-7019362-60956 Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 91605-270-7019362-60956 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Office 91605-270-7019362-60956 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Tools for Office Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 91605-270-7019362-60956 Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Crystal Reports AAJ60-G0MSA4K-68000CF Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB2538241) KB2538241 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB944899) KB944899 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB945282) KB945282 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946040) KB946040 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946308) KB946308 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946344) KB946344 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946581) KB946581 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947171) KB947171 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947173) KB947173 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947180) KB947180 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947540) KB947540 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947789) KB947789 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB948127) KB948127 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB953256) KB953256 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB971092) KB971092 This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Intel(R) Visual Fortran Package ID: w_fcompxe_2013.2.149 Intel(R) Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 Update 2 Integration for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2008, 13.0.3615.2008, Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Intel Corporation * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. Intel© Advisor XE 2013 Update 2 Intel© Advisor XE 2013 Update 2, (build 270011), Copyright ¸ 2009-2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel© C++ Composer XE 2013 Package ID: w_ccompxe_2013.2.149 Intel© C++ Composer XE 2013 Update 2 Integration for Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2008, Version 13.0.1203.2008, Copyright ¸ 2002-2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others Intel© Inspector XE 2013 Update 4 Intel© Inspector XE 2013 Update 4, (build 270277), Copyright ¸ 2009-2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel© VTuneT Amplifier XE 2013 Update 5 Intel© VTuneT Amplifier XE 2013 Update 5, (build 274450), Copyright ¸ 2009-2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU Service Pack 1 (KB945140) KB945140 This service pack is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this service pack will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU Service Pack 1 (KB947888) KB947888 This service pack is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this service pack will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU Service Pack 1 (KB948484) KB948484 This service pack is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this service pack will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB2251487) KB2251487 This security update is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this security update will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB2669970) KB2669970 This security update is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this security update will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Security Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB973675) KB973675 This security update is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this security update will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB956453) KB956453 This update is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this update will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB967143) KB967143 This update is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this update will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit
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Valued Contributor II
Here are results of Build with VS 2008 PE: ------ Build started: Project: parallel_nqueens_csharp, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------ C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Csc.exe /noconfig /nowarn:1701,1702 /errorreport:prompt /warn:4 /define:TRACE /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Management.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Xml.dll /debug:pdbonly /optimize+ /out:obj\Release\parallel_nqueens_csharp.exe /target:exe Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs parallel_nqueens.cs C:\WuTemp\PQ2008\vc9\parallel_nqueens.cs(261,40): warning CS0168: The variable 'e' is declared but never used C:\WuTemp\PQ2008\vc9\parallel_nqueens.cs(266,42): warning CS0168: The variable 'e' is declared but never used Compile complete -- 0 errors, 2 warnings parallel_nqueens_csharp -> C:\WuTemp\PQ2008\vc9\bin\Release\parallel_nqueens_csharp.exe ------ Build started: Project: parallel_nqueens_csharp, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\Csc.exe /noconfig /nowarn:1701,1702 /errorreport:prompt /warn:4 /define:DEBUG;TRACE /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Management.dll /reference:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Xml.dll /debug+ /debug:full /optimize- /out:obj\Debug\parallel_nqueens_csharp.exe /target:exe Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs parallel_nqueens.cs C:\WuTemp\PQ2008\vc9\parallel_nqueens.cs(261,40): warning CS0168: The variable 'e' is declared but never used C:\WuTemp\PQ2008\vc9\parallel_nqueens.cs(266,42): warning CS0168: The variable 'e' is declared but never used Compile complete -- 0 errors, 2 warnings parallel_nqueens_csharp -> C:\WuTemp\PQ2008\vc9\bin\Debug\parallel_nqueens_csharp.exe ========== Build: 2 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ========== Note: No any problems.
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Valued Contributor II
Attemps to convert the Parallel Queen C# project to: - VS 2010 Express Edition - Failed - VS 2012 Express Edition for Windows Desktop - Success Tim, Let me know if you have any questions.
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Honored Contributor III

In my efforts, the VS2012 extreme reported successful conversion of the parallel nqueens C# project but then said it was not an acceptable project.

I'm not certain whether the presence of VS2012 was interfering with my effort to try that project under VS2008; it did look like the project supplied with current VTune was intended for VS2008 (the oldest Visual Studio supported by current Intel tools).

The customer appeared possibly to encounter some similar issue with VTune not seeing all Visual Studio components of the same release.

The .net 4.5 feature which is new since 4.0 and not supported by VTune is sync API.  This should be documented more correctly in the next update.

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Valued Contributor II
>>...The customer appeared possibly to encounter some similar issue with VTune not seeing all Visual Studio >>components of the same release... Microsoft installers are very robust and I could suggest to run Repair or full Install again. A case when Intel installer breaks some relations between Microsoft components needs to be proved and more technical details are needed.
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