Talk to fellow users of Intel Analyzer tools (Intel VTune™ Profiler, Intel Advisor)
5164 Discussions

segmentation fault at vtl script line 216

my command is:
vtl activity mycommand -d 10000 -c callgraph -app ./mycommand," command line args" -moi ./mycommand run

The detailed error messages are:

Mon Mar 10 21:00:46 2008 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "3320", started writing Call Graph data.

Mon Mar 10 21:00:46 2008 Process Call Graph (MT) Data Collection, id "3320", finished writing Call Graph data.

Mon Mar 10 21:00:47 2008 Copying results from remote machine...
Mon Mar 10 21:00:57 2008 Data collection finished...
Mon Mar 10 21:00:57 2008 Error - Command generated by Call graph instrumentation cannot be launched.
Mon Mar 10 21:00:57 2008 Updating Call graph database...
Mon Mar 10 21:00:57 2008 Trying to find symbols for module (1 / 7)
command information goes here
/opt/intel/vtune/bin/vtl: line 216: 32687 Segmentation fault "${BINARY}" "$@"

and use the VTUNE demo, callgraph is fine.
Any hints?
Vtune is 9.0, on RedHat linux, Enterprise 4.0

The machine is
Intel Xeon CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz
quad core.

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2 Replies
and, if I change the command line option to a single string one, then vtl run successfully.
but when I use vtl view, it segmentation fault again:
/opt/intel/vtune/bin/vtl: line 216: 18067 Segmentation fault "${BINARY}" "$@"

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I ran into the same issue.. My work around is a tad bit hokey, but it worked. I copied vtl to my home directory where I can modify it. Before that if statement I printed out the vakue of BINARY and SHAREDBIN were. I am not sure how it helped... but it did. SHAREDBIN gets set in another script andfor me it seems to get lost on occasion. If it still doesn't work you will atleast have some info on how to debug your issue
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