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I compiled a kernel with OpenCL SDK for FPGA, it successfully finishes. But when I open the project that is automatically generated and try to run it I get this error after a while:
Info (21057): Implemented 5 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different
Info (21058): Implemented 3 input pins
Info (21059): Implemented 1 output pins
Info (21061): Implemented 1 logic cells
Info (281019): Starting Logic Optimization and Technology Mapping for Partition acl_kernel_partition
Info (18062): Inserted logic cells for Maximum Fan-Out assignment
Info (18058): Inserted 3 logic cells for Maximum Fan-Out assignment on "system:system_inst|system_kernel_system:kernel_system|conv_pipe_system:conv_pipe_system|coreConv_std_ic_partition_wrapper:coreConv_std_ic_inst|coreConv_top_wrapper_0:coreConv_inst_0|coreConv_function_wrapper:kernel|coreConv_function:thecoreConv_function|bb_coreConv_B4:thebb_coreConv_B4|bb_coreConv_B4_stall_region:thebb_coreConv_B4_stall_region|i_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_coreconv826:thei_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_coreconv|acl_push:thei_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_coreconv827|acl_token_fifo_counter:fifo|valid_counter[0]"
Info (18058): Inserted 4 logic cells for Maximum Fan-Out assignment on "system:system_inst|system_kernel_system:kernel_system|conv_pipe_system:conv_pipe_system|maxPool_std_ic_partition_wrapper:maxPool_std_ic_inst|maxPool_top_wrapper_0:maxPool_inst_0|maxPool_function_wrapper:kernel|maxPool_function:themaxPool_function|bb_maxPool_B4:thebb_maxPool_B4|bb_maxPool_B4_stall_region:thebb_maxPool_B4_stall_region|i_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_maxpool957:thei_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_maxpool|acl_push:thei_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_maxpool958|acl_token_fifo_counter:fifo|valid_counter[0]"
Info (18058): Inserted 3 logic cells for Maximum Fan-Out assignment on "system:system_inst|system_kernel_system:kernel_system|conv_pipe_system:conv_pipe_system|memRead_std_ic_partition_wrapper:memRead_std_ic_inst|memRead_top_wrapper_0:memRead_inst_0|memRead_function_wrapper:kernel|memRead_function:thememRead_function|bb_memRead_B10:thebb_memRead_B10|bb_memRead_B10_stall_region:thebb_memRead_B10_stall_region|i_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_memread558:thei_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_memread|acl_push:thei_acl_push_i1_throttle_push_memread559|acl_token_fifo_counter:fifo|valid_counter[0]"
Info (17049): 4790 registers lost all their fanouts during netlist optimizations.
Info (21057): Implemented 157517 device resources after synthesis - the final resource count might be different
Info (21058): Implemented 1171 input pins
Info (21059): Implemented 1296 output pins
Info (21061): Implemented 129615 logic cells
Info (21064): Implemented 25255 RAM segments
Info (21062): Implemented 180 DSP elements
Info (144001): Generated suppressed messages file D:/test/test/top.map.smsg
Info: Quartus Prime Analysis & Synthesis was successful. 0 errors, 1265 warnings
Info: Peak virtual memory: 12689 megabytes
Info: Processing ended: Fri Jul 31 00:30:53 2020
Info: Elapsed time: 00:38:12
Info: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:44:12
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus Prime Partition Merge
Info: Version 18.0.0 Build 614 04/24/2018 SJ Standard Edition
Info: Processing started: Fri Jul 31 00:31:01 2020
Info: Command: quartus_cdb --read_settings_files=off --write_settings_files=off top -c top --merge=on
Info: Using INI file D:/test/test/quartus.ini
Warning (18236): Number of processors has not been specified which may cause overloading on shared machines. Set the global assignment NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS in your QSF to an appropriate value for best performance.
Error (35001): Missing required database file "D:/test/test/incremental_db/compiled_partitions/top.root_partition.map.cdb" for the partition "Top"
Error: Quartus Prime Partition Merge was unsuccessful. 1 error, 1 warning
Error: Peak virtual memory: 4785 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Fri Jul 31 00:31:14 2020
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:13
Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:13
Error (293001): Quartus Prime Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 1266 warnings
Any idea what is wrong?
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Are you trying to open and synthesize an OpenCL project directly with Quartus? OpenCL projects are not supposed to be modified outside of the standard flow, nor are they supposed to be synthesized using Quartus manually. Using C/C++ HLS is probably a better option for you if you want to modify the RTL code after conversion from C/C++ or connect it to your existing IPs.
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Please let us know whether the previous discussion helped in resolving the issue and any further support is required.
Thanks and Regards
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