Application Acceleration With FPGAs
Programmable Acceleration Cards (PACs), DCP, FPGA AI Suite, Software Stack, and Reference Designs
482 Discussions

How to correct the signal tap relative to below error error :auto_signaltap_auto_signaltap_0.clock must be connected to a clock output ?


Hello Sir/ madam


I am trying to put a signap file into ethe_e2e_e10 project.

I follow the design guideline about how to install a signaltap in chapter 6 of AFU design user guide.


I can see my stp file be involved during the compilation

but I had a error like below

auto_signaltap_auto_signaltap_0.clock must be connected to a clock output.

I use platform_shim_ccip_std_afu|ccip_std_afu|hssi.f2a_prmgmt_ctrl_clk as a sample clock in signaltap. but seems not working.


Can you give me some suggestion about this?




Error (11176): M_alt_sld_fab_0.alt_sld_fab_0: add_instance: Can't create component type altera_sld_agent_endpoint_tieoff

Info (11172):   invoked from within

Info (11172): "add_instance sldfabric_t0 altera_sld_agent_endpoint_tieoff"

Info (11172):   ("eval" body line 32)

Info (11172):   invoked from within

Info (11172): "eval $tcl"

Info (11172):   (procedure "compose" line 36)

Info (11172):   invoked from within

Info (11172): "compose"

Info (11172):   invoked from within

Info (11172): "interp eval $slave {

Info (11172): Compose

Info (11172): }"

Error (11176): M_alt_sld_fab_0.alt_sld_fab_0.alt_sld_fab_0.auto_signaltap_auto_signaltap_0.clock: auto_signaltap_auto_signaltap_0.clock must be connected to a clock output

Error (11176): Error opening /root/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10_test/build_synth/build/qdb/_compiler/afu_synth/root_partition/17.1.1/partitioned/1/.cache/sld_fabrics/ipgen/alt_sld_fab_0/alt_sld_fab_0.ip.



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2 Replies

Dear Sir/Madam,


I Have noticed there is a document AN 845: Signal Tap Tutorial for Intel ® Arria ® 10 Partial Reconfiguration Design.

That document asked user need to install SLD JTAG Bridge Agent in the static region, and Install the SLD JTAG Bridge Host in the PR region of the several revisions including default persona, debugging persona.


Because PAC design flow is PR flow, so I think the SLD JTAG Bridge Agent has been installed in the static region which is encrypted and user cannot touch and modify.

And for AFU PR region, user needs to install the SLD JTAG Bridge Host in the green_bs top level. Is that correct?

I go back to check another example project nlb_mode_0_stp, and checked the top module of green_bs, and found below code, seems they are relating to JTAG,


module green_bs


  // CCI-P Interface

  input  logic                         Clk_400,            // Core clock. CCI interface is synchronous to this clock.

  input  logic                        Clk_200,            // Core clock. CCI interface is synchronous to this clock.

  input  logic                        Clk_100,            // Core clock. CCI interface is synchronous to this clock.

  input  logic                        uClk_usr,

  input  logic                        uClk_usrDiv2,

  input  logic                        SoftReset,          // CCI interface reset. The Accelerator IP must use this Reset. ACTIVE HIGH

  input  logic [1:0]                  pck_cp2af_pwrState,

  input  logic                        pck_cp2af_error,

  output logic [CCIP_TXPORT_WIDTH-1:0] bus_ccip_Tx,        // CCI-P TX port

  input  logic [CCIP_RXPORT_WIDTH-1:0] bus_ccip_Rx,        // CCI-P RX port



   input logic                         DDR4a_USERCLK,

   input logic                         DDR4a_waitrequest,

   input logic [511:0]                 DDR4a_readdata,

   input logic                         DDR4a_readdatavalid,

   output logic [6:0]                   DDR4a_burstcount,

   output logic [511:0]                 DDR4a_writedata,

   output logic [26:0]                  DDR4a_address,

   output logic                         DDR4a_write,

   output logic                         DDR4a_read,

   output logic [63:0]                  DDR4a_byteenable,

   input logic                         DDR4b_USERCLK,

   input logic                         DDR4b_waitrequest,

   input logic [511:0]                 DDR4b_readdata,

   input logic                         DDR4b_readdatavalid,

   output logic [6:0]                   DDR4b_burstcount,

   output logic [511:0]                 DDR4b_writedata,

   output logic [26:0]                  DDR4b_address,

   output logic                         DDR4b_write,

   output logic                         DDR4b_read,

   output logic [63:0]                  DDR4b_byteenable,




   pr_hssi_if.to_fiu             hssi,


  // JTAG Interface for PR region debug

  input  logic           sr2pr_tms,

  input  logic           sr2pr_tdi,

  output logic           pr2sr_tdo,

  input  logic           sr2pr_tck,

  input  logic           sr2pr_tckena




but not sure. Because above code in red color are not same as the example code mentioned in document AN 845. Also from the nlb_mode_0_stp project GUI,I cannot find the SLD JTAG Bridge Host IP core showing up in the IP section under the project navigator view as below, but nlb_mode_0_stp definitely can support a working signaltp I have confirmed.





Can you please give me some suggestion about that ?

How do I enable my own signaltap in PR flow and how to understand above question?

I am working on enabling stp on eth_e2e_e10 example? If you have a stp enabled project, can you share it with me?


Many thanks





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Please close this service request since I have solved the issue, thanks

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