Corporate Social Responsibility at Intel®
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2011-CRR-COVER-small-300x233.pngToday is a big day for Intel. We held our annual stockholder meeting where we report to our stockholders on the state of Intel’s business and our stockholders vote on various proposals. I have to share with you the closing statement that Paul Otellini, our CEO, said during his business update, “Our corporate responsibility programs create value for society, for Intel and for our customers.”

Now the closing remarks, as powerful as they may be, were not the only time being a responsible corporation was mentioned in the meeting. In fact the meeting started with a video on our efforts to produce conflict free minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Paul mentioned several times the positive impact of our more energy efficient products and he shared our accomplishments in 2011 to help achieve our corporate strategic objective to care for our people, the planet and inspire the next generation.

For the last 11 years we have published our Corporate Responsibility report at the shareholder meeting.  

Some highlights from this year’s report include:

  • Intel maintained its position as the largest voluntary purchaser of renewable energy credits in the United States according to the EPA, recycled 87% of the solid waste generated in our operations, and achieved LEED Silver Certification for 18 buildings and fabs across five sites

  • Increased audit activity of our supplier facilities nearly five-fold and expanded our transparency in our reporting on this topic and continued to take leadership actions to address the issue of conflict minerals in the supply chain

  • Invested over $299 million in employee training and development, recorded improvements in our Organizational Health Survey scores, and again earned a spot on Fortune’s 100 Best Places to Work list

  • Surpassed the milestone of training over 10 million teachers in more than 70 countries through the Intel® Teach program and expanded our entrepreneurship programs and competitions and programs for girls and women

  • Achieved a worldwide employee volunteerism rate of 50%, up from 48% in 2010, with our employees logging over 1 million volunteer hours in 2011 in 5,100 schools and nonprofit organizations in 45 countries

As you can imagine there is an immense amount of work that goes into developing our report not just from my team but including people throughout the company that are content owners and experts. But more importantly the report itself is a reflection of the commitment of all of our employees to the highest level of excellence whether developing a new technology that will enrich lives, adhering to the highest level of ethical conduct or applying their skills in their local communities to help solve a community challenge.

I am so pleased to say that at Intel, corporate responsibility is a crucial component to the overall growth of our business. From product to customer to employee to environment, the integration of corporate responsibility allows Intel to have a greater and more influential impact on industries, communities, and the global economy.

I trust that you will find that to be the case as your read our 2011 report and see the changes we have made this year to reflect this ongoing commitment to further integrating corporate responsibility into our business.  Each year, we make improvements to our report based on stakeholder feedback – we welcome your input on this new report – available at www.intel.com/go/responsibility.