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While other children were racing remote-controlled cars, Vipul Wagh was more interested in the mechanics powering those cars. When his school hosted a science exhibition, he entered a homemade fire extinguisher into the competition. Made with two basic household items—baking soda and vinegar—he constructed a life-saving protection device. Who would have guessed this inquisitive boy would later get to combine his passion for technology and the environment to solve real-world challenges?

“Before  commencing the building process, I knew my main goal was to end up with a fire extinguisher that was  cost-effective, easily accessible, and environmentally-friendly,” he remarked.  

In hindsight, Vipul’s eco-friendly fire extinguisher offered a glimpse of his future and his lifelong aspiration: to design products that impact people’s lives.

Fueled by a desire to grasp the necessary technical knowledge, Vipul embarked on his post-graduate studies in Microelectronics at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad in 2017. And two years later, he accepted an SoC Design Engineer job at Intel. This turning point marked a new phase of his life as new doors opened, giving him the skills and confidence to put his goals to action.


An Engineer with an Eye on the Environment

Vipul is currently designing a critical Internet of Things Group (IoTG) server product, one of Intel’s most cost-effective and power-efficient server chips—a derivative of Sapphire Rapids, Intel’s highest-performing data center processor.

What’s the difference between a traditional processor and his work-in-progress IoTG server chip?

“Traditionally, in a server, there is no power limit. A single server chip can consume more than 400W. In the past, people were only concerned with performance. But now, performance per watt is gaining popularity,” Vipul explains. “People are demanding the same high-performing server chip with less power consumption.”

How does a chip with low power consumption help the environment?

“To generate electricity, most power plants burn coal, crude oil, or other fossil fuels. This process releases carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides into the air—and these are just a few of the many harmful byproducts of traditional methods of power generation. As a result, our planet pays the price,” laments Vipul. 

By 2030, computing technology is expected to account for as much as 20% of global energy demand, with chip manufacturing contributing to most of the carbon output. The gravity of this is exactly why Vipul’s project is so crucial to helping turn the tide.

“Reducing power consumption means decreasing power plant emissions, which ultimately helps to reduce the carbon footprint on our environment.”

Besides the environment, Vipul also has a special calling to help others. Instilled with a love of service, another IoTG product that he worked on—his first ever Intel project—is gaining traction in the healthcare industry. The EHL-MCC (Elkhart Lake—Mule Creek Canyon) is an intelligent chipset that will be used in hospitals for advanced data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Comparing both training data sets and patient histories, the technology enables hospitals to quickly analyze data and administer informed responses to high-risk patients.

“As an engineer, we always look for ways to help our society. Knowing that my work is helping people and saving lives through predictive technology brings me great satisfaction and is the reason I do what I do.”


Drawing Inspiration from His Roots

Despite his achievements, Vipul hasn’t lost sight of the people who have spurred him on from the beginning. He attributes his success to his brother, who always encouraged him and whose guidance helped him achieve his goals. His family helped him cultivate a steadfast belief in the power of optimism and to face challenges head-on.

“One of the biggest motivations is my family. They are my inspiration and strongest supporters. They always tell me not to give up and to stay positive—so I constantly try to invite that positivity into myself. My mother taught me to always remain calm no matter what the situation is.”

Always striving to improve himself, Vipul also holds a deep admiration for his manager, who has been a big support in helping him resolve doubt. He is still learning the art of staying focused in high-pressure situations.

What advice does Vipul have for Intel newcomers?

“Get back to the basics, master the fundamentals, and acquire new knowledge. No matter what level you are at, you are never too good to discover and learn something fresh. Secondly, always prioritize your daily work. It will not only push you to meet your work deadlines but also help you in striking the work-life balance.”

With that, Vipul encompasses the true One Intel spirit in the way he embraces possibilities, opens himself to learning new things outside his expertise, and follows his passion for doing good with technology.

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I agree making learning a lifelong priority is important. Great insights in this story. 


Wow, what an inspiring article. I was one of the other children out racing the remote controlled cars. I built it of course, but lost when it came to the mechanics of the vehicle. However, fascinated by the electronics which led me interested in learning more about how computers are assembled. But that's another story. Congratulations on your self-directed enthusiasm to stay focused Vipul!! It's individuals like yourself the propel technology forward into new dimensions!


Inspiring !!!