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SHPE Names Intel 2012 Company of the Year

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Note from the editor: Intel takes a strong stance when it comes to encouraging and empowering people to pursue a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) career. One of the ways we do that is through our Global Diversity, Education and External Relations team. Our guest blogger today comes from that team and wants to share a recent honor Intel received. Ernesto is the Diversity Education Manager for Intel. In this role, one of his responsibilities is to work with external organizations in the community, like SHPE, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, to drive programs and efforts that will increase the technical pipeline in our diverse communities. He’s been working with SHPE since 2006 and is extremely proud of how much our partnership has grown—but even he wasn’t expecting this phone call…  

There I was, starting my day like I always do—in the café getting my morning green tea when I received a call. But not just any call, this was THE call. My caller ID indicated a number I didn’t recognize with a Los Angeles area code. I almost didn’t answer it; who could be calling me this early (before 7:30am) from the west coast?! But curiosity got the best of me and as I filled my cup, I answered my phone. It was Pilar Montoya, the CEO of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE). As we exchanged good mornings, I wondered what was on Pilar’s mind. She had just been at the Intel facility in Folsom the week before to meet with small team of Intel employees and an Intel Computer Clubhouse Network employee, so my initial thought went to what we had discussed the previous week. I was wrong.

Pilar said she had some good news for me. “SHPE has selected Intel as our company of the year!” It really didn’t register at first. The only word that came out of my mouth was “Great!...Uh, can you tell me what this means?”Pilar kept talking but my mind was still wondering how we got selected—I knew we hadn’t applied for this award What I did know was that we had really worked hard with SHPE this past year, but we had worked hard in years past too. In 2011 we partnered with SHPE to launch the first ever Latina Track, a day of workshops focused on women engineers. We have also sponsored the President’s Breakfast, Pre-college Symposium and the Dean’s Summit. And I can’t forget that we hired over 30 diverse engineers as a result of our 2011 recruiting efforts at SHPE. With all these thoughts racing in my brain, the conversation ended. I was happy, I even told a few people in the café that Intel had been identified as SHPE’s company of the year, and I made my way back to my desk.

Once I got to my desk, I had to call Pilar back: I now had questions. I called Pilar and asked her, “What criteria were used? What other companies have received this award? Does this require Intel to purchase ad space? How will Intel get recognized?” She told me that previous companies recognized were IBM, P&G, Exelon, and others. She shared that Intel will be featured in the magazine in an article and continued by saying that SHPE really valued Intel’s partnership over the years and the company’s dedication to the advancement of Hispanics in STEM as well as our work with public schools to support these efforts.. As she talked, it was becoming clear: we didn’t apply for this, this wasn’t a way to get us to provide more sponsorship, but we were being recognized for the great work that we do! THIS WAS REALLY COOL! Our hard work to advance STEM in the Hispanic community was being recognized by our long-time partner, SHPE! This was a big deal especially because Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the U.S.—making it even more important that we enter STEM education tracks in order for the U.S. to increase the number of engineers entering the labor force. Intel’s work with SHPE has gone on for many years and this award is deserved by a cast of many who have supported Intel and the work we do with SHPE. At this year’s conference Intel is the sole sponsor of the Latina Luncheon & Track. We are co-sponsoring the technical paper competition and pre-college workshop where students will be introduced to robotics. Our cast of volunteers includes several members of the Intel Hispanic Leadership Council, Intel Black Leadership Council as well as a number of other leaders that will be delivering technical and leadership workshops at the conference. We can’t forget about our recruiting team representing various Intel business groups that will be there looking for technical talent.

We’ll be receiving the award at this year’s conference from November 14 – 18 in Fort Worth, Texas, making us even more excited for the conference this year! Why, you ask? The SHPE conference is a great place for Intel to showcase our technical talent and support of STEM in the Hispanic community. It’s also a great place to develop your technical skills by attending many of the workshops and to network with peers from other companies. You should consider attending, if not this year, next. If you plan to attend this year’s conference in Fort Worth, TX and haven’t registered, you are able to register on site. Check out some of the Intel-led sessions at this year’s conference:

  • “Retail Shopping in the Future-How Digital Signs Will Impact Your Experience” presented by Alexander Flores on Thursday, November 15 at 10am in Texas C-D

  • “Moving Forward-Cloud Computing Software Systems & Architecture” presented by John Vicente on Thursday, November 15 at 2:45pm in FWCC 203B

  • “Technical Leadership Our Own Way” presented by Lakecia Gunter and John Vicente on Friday, November 16 at 11am in FWCC 103B

  • “Designing for the Total Experience” presented by Tony Salvador on Friday, November 16 at 1:30pm in FWCC 203A

For more information on the conference visit the conference website and download the full agenda.

Don’t forget to to meet our recruiters (look out for the big Intel sign at booth #1101) at the career fair or submit your resume for consideration prior to the conference by applying to req number 624297. See you at SHPE!