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Intel places Platform Firmware Resilience root-of-trust code for Intel® MAX® 10 FPGAs into public domain on GitHub to protect 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Processor Platforms

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Intel® Platform Firmware Resilience (PFR) is an FPGA-based root-of-trust security solution designed for the Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA that helps protect various system components within a 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Processor Platform. Intel PFR helps to protect against Permanent Denial of Service (PDoS) attacks, which can alter the platform firmware and potentially brick the server. It does this by verifying the integrity of platform firmware images before any firmware code is executed on the platform and by monitoring and filtering malicious traffic on system buses. In addition, Intel PFR can restore corrupted firmware automatically from a protected known-good recovery image.

This capability is an available option for those looking for an integrated security solution that may not otherwise be available from their platform vendor of choice. Intel has contributed the code for the Intel PFR design to GitHub. Intel is committed to open sourcing its root-of-trust solution to provide transparency to its industry partners. Implementing the platform root of trust with the Intel MAX 10 FPGA provides a very customizable and highly transparent security solution. Intel has contributed Intel PFR to the industry as another platform root-of-trust option for system builders.


For more information about Intel PFR for 3rd Gen Intel Xeon Processor Platforms, click here.



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