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Need a power sequencer? Here’s one that sequences as many as 144 voltage rails and fits in an Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA or MAX® V CPLD

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CPUs, SoCs, FPGAs, and ASICs generally need carefully timed sequencing of voltages on their various power supply rails to safely power up and power down. You can fit a sophisticated, modular power sequencer that controls as many a 144 power rails with configurable power-on and power-off sequencing and timing for each rail inside of an Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA or MAX® V CPLD. Because these Intel MAX programmable logic devices are often used for many board-management functions, the incremental cost for adding power sequencing to your design using these devices can be as low as zero if you are already using one of these devices to implement other functions.

Want more details? Watch this 5-minute video.



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