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Azure’s first 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® processor instances are now available and we're excited!

Azure just announced the public preview for the D and E family VMs powered by the new 5th Gen Intel® Xeon® processors with built-in Intel® Accelerator Engines.
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Real-World Stories: Use Cases from the Confidential Computing Consortium

As a founding member of the Confidential Computing Consortium (CCC), Intel is excited to see the CCC...
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Quick Emergency Responses with AI: Developer Spotlight

AI solution built by Intel® Student Ambassador on Intel® Tiber™ Developer Cloud for critical emergen...
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Which memory-optimized AWS EC2 instance type is best for MongoDB?

This is the next article in the series conducting a comparative study on self-managed MongoDB. This ...
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A Historic Moment for The Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic (ifort)

With the recent release of Intel® oneAPI 2024.2 products and packages we begin to say goodbye to ifo...
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How Othman Benkiran and Undefine Are Making an Impact on Africa’s AI Scene

Find out how Othman Benkiran transformed a side project into a groundbreaking AI venture that’s revo...
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Get To Know Aryan Karumuri, Mentor at Intel® Liftoff for AI Startups

We sat down with Intel® Liftoff Mentor, and Technical Solutions Engineer, Sri Raj Aryan Karumuri, to...
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Migrating Your AI Solutions to Intel

What does it take to move an AI solution from a non-Intel platform to an Intel platform? How much is...
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5 Stages of Design Thinking for AI Startups from the Intel® Liftoff African Hackathon

In this article we unpack five key takeaways from the foundation of a successful design thinking app...
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Intel’s Family-Focused Future: Expanding Childcare Benefits to Support Working Families

At last week’s National Child Care Innovation Summit, hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, U.S. C...
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Cheap and Available AI - How Nodeshift Makes AI Compute Accessible

How Nodeshift is reshaping the cloud services market.
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Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB Confidential Database Empowered By Intel® TDX

Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB Confidential Database Empowered By Intel® TDX
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Hugging Face Acquires Intel® Liftoff Member Argilla

Intel® Liftoff member Argilla has officially joined Hugging Face’s expanding ecosystem of open-sourc...
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Celebrating Women in Engineering at Intel

In honor of International Women in Engineering Day on June 23, 2024, we asked women engineers at Int...
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Get to know Jaideep Kamisetti, Mentor at the Intel® Liftoff for AI Startups Program

We caught up with Intel® Liftoff Mentor, and Technical Solutions Engineer Jaideep Kamisetti to get t...
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Just Drag 'n' Drop: Ultralytics Makes AI Model Training Easy

Intel® Liftoff startup Ultralytics has completely “reinvented” the training of AI models, based on a...
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