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Edge Software Catalog
Support for issues related to Edge Software Catalog
445 討論

Failed to install Edge_Software_Manager

2,513 檢視

Software: Edge_Insights_for_Vision_2021.1
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

I try many times to install the Edge_Software_Manager, but encounter the same error message.


0 積分
1 解決方案
2,413 檢視

Hi Huang, 

Can you try this to reinstall the ESM module ?

$./edegesoftware update <ESM Module ID>

You can get the Module ID from this command:

$./edegesoftware list

Do update if the issue still persists. 


4 回應
2,495 檢視

Hi Huang, 

Thanks for reaching out to us. Can you provide us the specific log for the failed module - Edge Sofware Manager. You can use this command to get the log $./edgesoftware log <module id>

You can use the module ID of the Edge Software Manager from the image you provided. 


2,486 檢視

The attached file includes the logs of Edge_Software_Manager, I hope it could help you analyze the problem, thanks.

2,415 檢視

Hi Huang, 

Can you try this to reinstall the ESM module ?

$./edegesoftware update <ESM Module ID>

You can get the Module ID from this command:

$./edegesoftware list

Do update if the issue still persists. 

2,233 檢視


 I am facing the same problem. Is there any working solution? 

 Tried to update, uninstall and reinstall too. Didn't work on Ubuntu 18.4 and 20.4 too

Verifying Edge Software Configurator [.. ] 4%
ERROR: Failed to connect to VM Agent
Setup Failed. Cleaning up ...
Log says 

Thu Jun 03 03:46:49 IST 2021 - ERROR - Failed to get vm agent status with return code 200



**************************************** Logs for service esm_vm-server ****************************************
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | |CONF | Application key found. Initializing postgres db uri...
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | |CONF | Failed to load file path: File not found: /vm-server/app/../../certs/server.crt
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | |CONF | Failed to load file path: File not found: /vm-server/app/../../certs/server.key
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | ^[[93m|SSH | hostkey not exist^[[0m
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | ^[[93m|RSA WARNING | RSA key not exist^[[0m
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | |RSA | New RSA key created
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | ^[[92m|RSA | RSA private key created: /opt/vm-server/.ssh/vmserver_key^[[0m
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | ^[[92m|RSA | RSA public key created: /opt/vm-server/.ssh/vmserver_key.pub^[[0m
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | |MAIN | VM Server status: True
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | |MAIN | Verifying database url...
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | ^[[94m|MAIN | Start VM Server^[[0m
esm_vm-server.1.gs38zhzieeji@ubuntu20 | ^[[92m|DB | Database connected^[[0m



Ravi Kiran


