Embedded Connectivity
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issue on flash erase/write via I210


The scenario is like this: I am trying to do read/write test on some unused part of the flash (S25FL032P0XMF1011) that connects to I210. The flash is 32Mb(4MB), so the address space is 0-0x3fffff.

According to the figure 3-3 of I210 data sheet, the FLASH mode can access the upper part (like 0x200000-0x3fffff) so I chose this mode to access the flash.

my access is following The read from flash looks OK but I cannot do erase and write:

for erase, after I see the DONE bit of FLSWCTL is set, I read from the sector and the values do not change to all FFs so I believe the erase failed. (in this case CMDV bit is set so the operation is allowed)

for write, I tried to write even erase not work, the CMDV bit is cleared so this operation is considered "Not Allowed".

Current question is:

1. from FLSWCTL definition in 8.4.36, the "erase "(cmd 0010b) should be applied on un-secured sectors and the upper 2MB does not look like secured elsewhere.

2. Why CMDV is set for write operation? Is it due to sector no erased or the area protected/secured? If so how can we disable the protect?

3. If this erase/write issue is caused by the write protect of FLASH, how to write WREN command to FLASH? 3.3.1 only mentioned WREN must be supported but I do not see how this command is written. The 8.4.8 FLASHOP register seems only used to define erase instrunction.


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9 Replies

Hello, BoLing:

Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.

In order to be on the same page, we would like to address the following questions:

Could you please let us know all the details of the process that you are using to determine these situations? Please do not hesitate to include name of tools and their manufacturers,

Could you please tell us if this situation happens with any of the devices listed in section 11.8, on pages 793, 794, and 795 of the https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/datasheets/i210-ethernet-controller-datasheet.pdf Intel(R) Ethernet Controller I210 Datasheet document # 333016? In case that you ignore the answer, please reproduce the situation, and let us know the results in a detailed way.

Could you please let us know if the affected project has been developed by you or a third party company? In case that it is a third party device, could you please give us all the information related to it. In case that it has been designed by you, could you please let us know the documents or information that you have used to develop it? By the way, could you please tell us if it has been reviewed by Intel?

Please let us all the information that should answer the previous questions.

We really appreciate your cooperation to solve this inconvenience.

Best regards,


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hi, Carlos,

thanks for replying. Here is the reply to your questions:

1. it is part of our switch product. The data path for I210 is like this : CPU <-> PEX8725 (pcie switch) <-> I210. A flash is attached to I210 for storage of configurations/data. My target is to do a driver for I210 to read/write on this flash.

2. I did not use other device listed in 11.8 on I210 before. Per HW engineer, current flash on my board should be supported S25FL032P0XMF1011. ( I think it is a compatible type like this one in 11.8 :

Spansion* Validated:2

S25FL008K0XMF )

3. This product is designed by our company. For confidential consideration I cannot provide detail information but this should have been reviewed by Intel already. I also opened case for support but our Intel support is on trip these days so I am seeking quick solution.

let me know if you have info regarding this issue.



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Hello, BoLing:

Thanks for your update.

In order to help you as a reference, please review the information stated on page 2 of the following document:

http://www.cypress.com/file/259156/download http://www.cypress.com/file/259156/download

Based on this document, you should contact the manufacturer of the flash memories listed on your previous communication via the channels stated on the mentioned page to verify their compatibility.

We hope that this information may help you.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

hi, Carlos,

Let me summarize my question:

1. I need to know how to remove the secure of the flash.

2. I need to know how to send opcode to the flash.


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Hello, BoLing:

Thanks for your update.

In order to answer your first question of your previous message, please review the answer to the question 2.23, on page 9 of the https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/faqs/ethernet-controller-i210-i211-faq.pdf Intel(R) Ethernet Controller I210/I211 Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] document # 335346.

On the other hand, the information that may answer your second question can be found in sections 3.3.1 and; on pages 52, 53, 63, and 64 of the https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/datasheets/i210-ethernet-controller-datasheet.pdf Intel(R) Ethernet Controller I210 Datasheet document # 333016.

We hope that this information is useful to you.

Best regards,

Carlos_A .

0 Kudos

hi, Carlos,

thanks for the reply.

Regarding the first issue of override of secure. It is said in https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/faqs/ethernet-controller-i210-i211-faq.pdf https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/faqs/ethernet-controller-i210-i211-faq.pdf

"Pin 12 on the I210 is designated for the purpose of overriding the security feature."

But pin 12 is NVM_SI, which is data input pin, right? I am confused with it.

Regarding the second issue, I tried with page 63-64 ( for bit-bang mode to send OPCODE, but I got stuck at the first 2 steps: when I write to the FL_REQ bit and read back for FL_GNT I always get 0, which means I am not grant the access. Do you have any comment on this?

thanks a lot!


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Hello, BoLing:

Thanks for your reply.

The pin 12 needs to be pulled low to remove write protect on the flash.

It is also the data pin, but the i210 determines if WP is enabled on initialization, and then accesses the flash data.

However, the unused portion of the flash chip attached to the i210 should not be used for any other data.

We hope that this information may help you.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

thanks Carlos, your info is really useful to me.

But I was assgined a task to test the flash that connect to I210.

I know the unused portion of flash "should" not be used for any data but it is possible to do some read/write access on that part, right?

I really do not want to touch the part that has sensitive data.



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Hello, BoLing:

Thanks for your update.

Yes, it is possible to write to the unused portion of the flash once the WP is disabled.

We hope that this information may help you.

Best regards,


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