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MS Entourage database recovery


Entourage stores data such as preferences, rules, schedules, signatures, messages, contacts, and all other Entourage items in a database on your computer. The first time you start Entourage, a new folder, called the Microsoft User Data folder, is created in the Documents folder.

Within the Microsoft User Data folder, Microsoft Entourage creates a folder called Office Identities.

This folder contains the Main Identity folder, which stores the data for the first identity. Each time you create a new identity, Entourage adds a folder for it to the Microsoft Office Identities folder.

To restore damaged entourage you should apply a http://www.mannatsoftware.com/stellar-phoenix-entourage-repair.html Entourage Database Repair Tool application able to recover data stored as a new RGE file, which can be imported in Entourage later.The application is particularly designed to carry out in-depth scanning of entire Entourage database and extract all their objects such as emails, contacts, notes, tasks, calendar entries, attachments, and more.

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