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Hi. I need to do BGA reballing for an Intel Embedded Flip Chip BGA with 1364 ball. The size of the BGA is 37.5 x 32.0 x 1.6 mm.
The Intel Part Number is SR1W0 (Intel Core I7 Mobile I7-4702EC)
In order to fabricate the stainless steel reballing stencil, I need the detailed CAD footprint for the part. The short form 1 page mechanical drawing I can find from open source does not have much details.
Appreciate if Intel support group could email me the relevant details
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Hello, @lguancho:
Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.
The Intel® Core™ i7-4702EC is a Haswell Processor that has been discontinued and is no longer supported, as is stated in the Specifications section, specifically in the Supplemental Information subsection of the following website:
We need to clarify that the Haswell processor family has been discontinued and is no longer supported, as you may verify on the following website:
However, you may find the available documentation for the Haswell processors that may help you on the following websites:
Best regards,