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access libraries for ixp2350


hey community,

im working with an reference platform (roadrunner from adi engineering) which uses the intel ixp2350 network processor. in order to compile my only 2.4.xx (or 2.6.xx) kernel i need the access libraries and the npe microcodes. but i cant find anything at the download section or elsewhere on intel.com . i know that the same downloads are provided for the ixp4xx. so im wondering why they dont exists for the ixp2350. without this downloads im not able to compile a kernel for the embedded system.

hoping for help


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7 Replies
Valued Contributor I


Thank you for joining the Intel® Embedded Design Center community.

This is probably not the answer that you were hoping for, but the reason you are not finding IXP2350 software on intel.com is that Intel is no longer promoting sales of this processor. Also while I cannot speak for them, I notice that ADI Engineering no longer shows the Roadrunner board on their website either.

If you are intending to develop an embedded system for volume production, It would be in your better interest to consider designing around one of the newer Intel® embedded processors. You can view the current product range at: http://edc.intel.com http://edc.intel.com" target=_blank>edc.intel.com From this site you can also find help selecting the processor and designing your embedded product.

If you could share with us what type of system you are planning we can give you some additional guidance.


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thank your for answering this fast.

its true that adi no longer support the roadrunner platform.

puchasing a new embedded processor could make lot of things easier, but its no option for me.

i need to cross-compile a tool for the platform. but the ramdisk for the linuxkernel (which was delivered by adi) is to small for this tool. increasing the ramdisk isnt very hard. the reason why i wnat to recompile the kernel is the chosen compiling option by adi .. to allow a maximum ramdisk size of 20MB.

so i have to compile my own kernel. but this isnt possible without your access libraries and npe microcodes. so i really hoped that you still provide them.

what do you mean by "type of system"?



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Valued Contributor I

Hi clenk:

We'll still try to research this further. In the meantime, did you ask ADI if they can provide this software? ADI is a member company of the Intel® Embedded and Communications Alliance. Sometimes the member companies can provide Intel software. For example, did you receive a SDK with the Roadrunner board?


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hi Felix_M,

i already write to adi, but they arent able to provide anything instead of there delivered software cd, since the ended their support for the roadrunner.

and you are right, the SDK is available on the cd. unfortunately, they imply to have montavista as distribtion, because the kernel was compiled with a montavista toolchain. having montavista would solve a lot of problem. sadly i dont have 45k $ to purchase the license. using my own toolchain didnt result in succed, because the makefiles intend to use the montavista toolchain.


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im still need this access libraries and npe microcodes :(

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Valued Contributor I

Hi clenk:

I wish I had a better answer for you but the situation we face here is that the IXP2350 is a discontinued product. Consistant with best industry practices, Intel no longer provides support for this part and providing the libraries and such would be considered under support.

Perhaps if you could explain your objectives we can try to help you in some other way? What I mean is that if you are working with a discontinued part it would not seem possible that you would be creating an embedded system for production deployment. If your work is reseach or experimental in nature perhaps we can guide you to an alternate solution?



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thanks for the answer.

to explain the the object. i have to crosscompile and establish an application (snort IDS) for the roadrunner board. everythings running fine by now .. crosscompile works, put application on board via nfs works.

but running the application doesnt work because ADI didnt compile the kernel with floating point emulation. (big failure imho)

ADI also stopped support for the board. so they dont want to provide another kernel.

i have to compile my own. this is possible with correct patches but network will not work without access libraries.

the ixp425 is very old i think. and there are existing libraries .. i dont understand.

so maybe im not smart enough in linux/unix .. but how should it be possible to compile a own kernel for the NP without these working libraries? .. im not sure.


edit: now i succesfully build a 2.6.30 kernel and hes running at the board without any issus. but the intel_drivers for ethernert doesnt working, because there are to old (like npe_lib.o and so on) .. in fact these drivers i need

Message Edited by clenk on 05-29-2009 04:14 AM
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