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윈도우 10 1709,1803,1809 사용중으로 이벤트로그 - 시스템 탭에 NDIS 원본에 이벤트ID 10400 경고 발생합니다. 이 로그 발생 시 네트워크 연결 끊김 증상이 발생할 수 있는지 질문드립니다. 그리고 이 로그가 나타나지 않도록 조치하는 방법도 부탁드립니다.


네트워크 인터페이스 "Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I219-LM"의 다시 설정을 시작했습니다. 하드웨어가 다시 설정되는 동안 네트워크 연결이 잠시 중단됩니다. 이유: The network driver requested that it be reset. 이 네트워크 인터페이스는 마지막으로 초기화된 이후 1번 다시 설정되었습니다.​

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5 Replies

Hello User15802010424057608622,


Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities. 


Unfortunately, we can only provide support in English and we are only using a translator tool to understand you query.


Windows 10 1709,1803,1809 In use Eventlog - System tab will issue an event ID 10400 warning to the NDIS source.

Started resetting the network interface "Intel (R) Ethernet Connection (3) I219-LM". The network connection is temporarily interrupted while the hardware is reset. Why: The network driver requested that it be reset. This network interface has been reset once since it was last initialized.


Based on the translated query above, can you share the following information that would help us in checking the issue.

1.) When you stated 'Windows 10 1709,1803,1809' does this mean that you are having an issue with multiple systems with the Operating System (OS) above? Or you've tried updating the OS to above version but still having the same issue?

2.) When was the issue first encountered? 

3.) Is this a new system or this is known to be working fine from the date of purchased?

4.) Is there any changes prior to the issue?

5.) What is the impact of the error 10400? Does your system automatically disconnects? If not, kindly state and elaborate.

6.) Please provide the System Support Utility (SSU) log of your system. This will allow us to check your Adapter details and configuration. Kindly refer to the steps below.

a- Go to

b- Open SSU.exe

c- Mark the box "Everything" and then click "Scan".

d- When finished scanning, click "Next".

e- Click on "Save" and attach the file to a post.


We hope to hear from you soon.


Should there be no response, we will follow up after 3 business days.


Best regards,

Crisselle C

Intel® Customer Support

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1.) When you stated 'Windows 10 1709,1803,1809' does this mean that you are having an issue with multiple systems with the Operating System (OS) above? Or you've tried updating the OS to above version but still having the same issue?

윈도우10 1903버전 사용 중입니다.​ 운영체제 결함을 말하는 것이 아닙니다.

2.) When was the issue first encountered?

인터넷 연결 시작 혹은 인터넷 연결 중에 발생하는 것으로 보입니다. 확실하지 않습니다.​

3.) Is this a new system or this is known to be working fine from the date of purchased?

새로 도입한 시스템입니다. 현재까지 문제점을 찾을 수 없었습니다. 하지만 이후에 문제가 될 수 있다고 생각합니다.​

4.) Is there any changes prior to the issue?

없습니다. 인터넷 드라이버 설치 이전 혹은 이후로 어떻게 다른지 테스트 진행 예정입니다.

5.) What is the impact of the error 10400? Does your system automatically disconnects? If not, kindly state and elaborate.

​어떤 영향이 있는지 확인하지 못했습니다. 우리는 이벤트로그의 내용을 주목하고 있습니다. 특히 "temporarily interrupted" 를 경계하고 있습니다.

6.) Please provide the System Support Utility (SSU) log of your system. This will allow us to check your Adapter details and configuration. Kindly refer to the steps below.

SSU Report를 추출 했습니다. ​ 로그가 재현된 시점 이미지와 윈도우 이벤트로그를 함께 첨부합니다.

빠른 답변 부탁드립니다.​

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Hello Jbyun10,


Thank you for the reply.


Based on the SSU log provided, you are using an I219-LM OEM onboard controller on your Dell Precision 7820 Tower with Driver Version:"" from Intel. With this, we'd like to check if you have tried the driver provided by your manufacturer? As the I219-LM was integrated to the system, they might have customized drivers and software to enable or alter features on your system. Thus, they are in best position where you can seek assistance so you don’t lose features or customizations of the Ethernet controller.


You may also consider using the latest Intel generic driver from SW package 25.1 with version

Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack


Please also share how often does the issue occur or is there specific ongoing network activity or application running during the time when the Ethernet connection resets? Is there any specific pattern observed?


We look forward to hear from you.


Should there be no response, we will follow up after 3 business days.


Best regards,

Crisselle Franz

Intel® Customer Support Technician

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Hello Jbyun10,


Good day!


We'd like to check if you have read our previous message. If you do, kindly provide the additional information we requested that would help in further checking your query.


Awaiting to your reply.


In case we don't hear from you, we will follow up after 3 business days.


Best regards,

Crisselle Franz

Intel® Customer Support

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Hello Jbyun10,


How are you today?


Please be informed that we will now close this request since we haven't received any response from our previous follow ups. Just feel free to post a new question if you may have any other inquiry in the future.


Best regards,

Crisselle Franz

Intel® Customer Support

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