I upgraded to a Gigabit Internet connection recently and I am only getting about 200-400mbit/s at my PC. My internet providers speedtest website is telling me that my computer cannot handle gigabit speeds. I have tested with other computers via the same cable and I am getting the full speed.
iperf3 testing to and from my UbiqitiEdgerouter-X yields about 450-500mbits. I have updated the I211 drivers and set everything to default.
Is there anything I can try?
Hi Carlos,
I have found the solution to my problem! It was neither an ASUS nur Intel issue, but a Windows setting. For some reason the TCP setting "AutotuningLevelLocal" was set to disabled instead of auto. Resetting this fixed the slow download speeds.
Thank you again for the speedy replies, I really appreciate you taking this issue seriously, which is much more than can be said for other manufacturers.
Best regards
Paul Schuette
What kind of cable are you using? CAT5 is not going to cut it. For Gigabit speeds, you need (minimum) CAT5a, (better) CAT6 or ( best) CAT7.
Which version of the Intel Ethernet package did you install? The report only gives a driver version, not a package version. The latest (just released) package is 25.0 and can be downloaded from here: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25016/Ethernet-Intel-Network-Adapter-Driver-for-Windows-10?product=64403.
Hhmmm, I am not sure what to suggest. Intel Customer Support (ICS) is going to have to dig into this one...
ICS will want this: please download and run the Intel System Support Utility for Windows and save the report to a file. Then, using the paperclip icon below the edit window, upload and attach this file to a response post.
Thanks very much for the help. Do I have to contact the ICS separately?
Greetings PSchu25,
Thank you for providing the details of your system and Intel System Support Utility. For our records, Have you tried contacting the board manufacturer? They may provide driver that are customized for your onboard hardware.
Also, can you provide Intel SSU for the other system where you are getting a full speed so we can compare the settings
Carlos S.
Intel Customer Support
Thank you for the swift reply, I have attached the SSU file from one of the other systems, unfortunately I do not have access to the second one which was a new Apple iMac.
I have tried installing the network drivers from the ASUS website but there was no change in performance. I have also contacted ASUS support, but I am still waiting for an answer from them.
Hello PSchu25,
Based on the 2nd SSU, are you using Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168 to get 1GB full duplex, is that correct?
How about the IMac, are you using wired or WiFi for the connection?
Carlos S.
Intel Customer Support Technician
I was using the same wired connection both times, they were moved to the same spot as my PC and tested with the same cable. I believe the second computer uses a realtek network adapter for its wired connection.
Hi, sorry about the lack of reply. Asus recommended I install a new BIOS version, however this has not helped. I am waiting for a further reply from them.
Hello PSchu25,
Thank you for your response. Since the issue is now being raise to Asus, I highly recommend to wait for their feedback since they have customized drivers and software to enable or alter features on your system. They are in best position where you can seek assistance so you don’t lose features or customization of the Ethernet controller.
Have you also tried to use a different test website to check if there would be any difference? As the speed test conducted on the speed test website that you used had to pass through your service provider and the test outcome is dependent on various factors (Operating system, cable and system itself, BIOS version).
Is it alright if I follow up on May 4 to give you ample time to wait for Asus' feedback? If we don't receive a reply, I'll follow up on my proposed date. Let me know if you have a preferred date/time for when I can follow up with you and your preferred mode of contact for the case.
Best Regards,
Carlos S.
Intel Customer Support
Asus Germany has sent the issue on to their headquarters in asia, since they were not aware of any such issue.
May 4 is good for me, contact via this forum or via email is both fine for me.
Thank you very much for the quick responses , this is some of the most dedicated customer support I've sought out.
Hi Carlos,
I have found the solution to my problem! It was neither an ASUS nur Intel issue, but a Windows setting. For some reason the TCP setting "AutotuningLevelLocal" was set to disabled instead of auto. Resetting this fixed the slow download speeds.
Thank you again for the speedy replies, I really appreciate you taking this issue seriously, which is much more than can be said for other manufacturers.
Best regards
Paul Schuette
Me ha solucionado el error, dejó los comandos aquí para que no os tengais que comer la cabeza buscandolos.
1. Abrimos PowerShell como Administrador
2. Para ver si el parámetro AutoTuningLevelLocal, lo tenemos en disabled, ejecutaremos Get-NetTCPSetting y buscamos este parámetro, si lo tenemos "disabled".
3. Si lo tenemos disabled, ejecutaremos el siguiente comando: Set-NetTCPSetting -AutoTuningLevelLocal "normal"
Espero que os funcione.
Hello PSchu25,
Thank you for providing information on how you managed to resolve your concern. It is good to know that it resolved your connection speed issue.
We appreciate your time and cooperation. If you have question and concern, please do not hesitate to contact us back.
Carlos S.
Intel Customer Support