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Intel X520-1 VMQ not working in Windows 2022 Hyper-V server


I just upgraded my homelab server to Windows Server 2022 and now I noticed that in Hyper-V VMQ doesn't work while SR-IOV works fine.

  • Host: Windows Server 2022 Standard build 20348.230
  • NIC: Intel X520-1 with firmware disabled
  • NIC driver: ixn68x64.sys v4.1.239.0
  • NIC link: trunk with LAN (VLAN 1 untagged), WAN (VLAN 2 tagged), DMZ (VLAN 3 tagged), IOT (VLAN 4 tagged)


PS C:\> Get-NetAdapterVmq -name "TRUNK" | fl

Caption                                 : MSFT_NetAdapterVmqSettingData 'Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1'
Description                             : Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
ElementName                             : Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
InstanceID                              : {D8C0261B-50B9-410D-8000-48CD898F2ED2}
InterfaceDescription                    : Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
Name                                    : TRUNK
Source                                  : 2
SystemName                              :
AnyVlanSupported                        :
BaseProcessorGroup                      : 0
BaseProcessorNumber                     : 0
DynamicProcessorAffinityChangeSupported :
Enabled                                 : True
InterruptVectorCoalescingSupported      :
LookaheadSplitSupported                 : False
MaxLookaheadSplitSize                   : 0
MaxProcessorNumber                      :
MaxProcessors                           : 16
MinLookaheadSplitSize                   : 0
NumaNode                                : 65535
NumberOfReceiveQueues                   : 0
NumMacAddressesPerPort                  : 0
NumVlansPerPort                         : 0
TotalNumberOfMacAddresses               : 0
VlanFilteringSupported                  : True
PSComputerName                          :
ifAlias                                 : TRUNK
InterfaceAlias                          : TRUNK
ifDesc                                  : Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
PS C:\> Get-VMSwitch -name "TRUNK" | fl

Name                                             : TRUNK
Id                                               : 2898a4db-094d-4130-8a03-738b4fffb9ef
Notes                                            :
Extensions                                       : {Microsoft Windows Filtering Platform, Microsoft NDIS Capture}
BandwidthReservationMode                         : None
PacketDirectEnabled                              : False
EmbeddedTeamingEnabled                           : False
AllowNetLbfoTeams                                : False
IovEnabled                                       : True
SwitchType                                       : External
AllowManagementOS                                : True
NetAdapterInterfaceDescription                   : Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
NetAdapterInterfaceDescriptions                  : {Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1}
NetAdapterInterfaceGuid                          : {d8c0261b-50b9-410d-8000-48cd898f2ed2}
IovSupport                                       : True
IovSupportReasons                                :
AvailableIPSecSA                                 : 2048
NumberIPSecSAAllocated                           : 0
AvailableVMQueues                                : 1
NumberVmqAllocated                               : 1
IovQueuePairCount                                : 127
IovQueuePairsInUse                               : 8
IovVirtualFunctionCount                          : 62
IovVirtualFunctionsInUse                         : 4
PacketDirectInUse                                : False
DefaultQueueVrssEnabledRequested                 : True
DefaultQueueVrssEnabled                          : True
DefaultQueueVmmqEnabledRequested                 : True
DefaultQueueVmmqEnabled                          : True
DefaultQueueVrssMaxQueuePairsRequested           : 16
DefaultQueueVrssMaxQueuePairs                    : 2
DefaultQueueVrssMinQueuePairsRequested           : 1
DefaultQueueVrssMinQueuePairs                    : 1
DefaultQueueVrssQueueSchedulingModeRequested     : StaticVrss
DefaultQueueVrssQueueSchedulingMode              : StaticVrss
DefaultQueueVrssExcludePrimaryProcessorRequested : False
DefaultQueueVrssExcludePrimaryProcessor          : False
SoftwareRscEnabled                               : True
RscOffloadEnabled                                : False
BandwidthPercentage                              : 0
DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthAbsolute              : 0
DefaultFlowMinimumBandwidthWeight                : 0
CimSession                                       : CimSession: .
ComputerName                                     : Host
IsDeleted                                        : False
DefaultQueueVmmqQueuePairs                       : 2
DefaultQueueVmmqQueuePairsRequested              : 16



Every time I enable VMQ in one of the Hyper-V VM network adapters I always get the following system error ID 113:


Failed to allocate VMQ for NIC C1D9BEAE-5B79-4DC4-85DF-3269F631D047--8785038D-3198-469C-89C9-1088816B76C8 (Friendly Name: Network Adapter) on switch 2898A4DB-094D-4130-8A03-738B4FFFB9EF (Friendly Name: TRUNK). Reason - Maximum number of VMQs supported on the Protocol NIC is exceeded. Status = Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API.



Strangely SR-IOV works flawlessly. 

Any idea how the fix the VMQ issue?


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5 Replies

Same issue with Windows 2019 

It is actually related to Switch Embedded Teaming  where it stops working.
Sintgle adapter and  LBFO teaming VMQ works without problem

0 Kudos

Same issue with Windows 2019 

It is actually related to Switch Embedded Teaming  where it stops working.
Sintgle adapter and  LBFO teaming VMQ works without problem

0 Kudos

It is actually related to Switch Embedded Teaming  where it stops working.
Sintgle adapter and  LBFO teaming VMQ works without problem


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Up of this topic,


We currently make LCM of our Hyper-V Infrastructure to Server 2019/2022 and we use Switch Embedded Teaming for cisco ACI design.


We have exact same issue with this adapter.


Not solution will be provided from Intel ? It's a driver limitation I suppose.


Thank you and have a nice day,

0 Kudos

So this is still an issue?  I know it is as I'm having it but notice this was posted in 2021.  For me:


- If I have LACP and PowerShell create the vSwitch ALL virtuals come back with VMQ active.  If I try to set to SR-IOV it shows degraded. 


- If I use the proper Switch Embedded Teaming I have seen maybe one time that one VM enabled VMQ.  Other than that, they fail however any windows OS that is Windows 8 or newer will work with SR-IOV.  VMQ in general fails.  Basic message is Failed to allocate VMQ for NIC. Bla bla bla. Reason - VPort creation failed. Status = An invalid parameter was passed to a service or function.


So this shows in my environment both VMQ and SR-ioV is functional, just effected by the way the "teaming" is created for the NIC.  On the March of 2021 drivers.  So from everything I read Switch Embedded Teaming is the proper way to team your NICs and LACP is a no no especially since Microsoft blocks it thru their GUI now, but the card isn't working right with Switch Embedded Teaming.


I guess having VMQ active on all virtuals is a win, but at the cost of what seems to be incorrect configuration by today's standards on a LACP technology no longer being maintained in the OS.


By the way, before I try it, does the x710 adapter work right?  Anyone find a solution?

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