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X710 has trouble keeping up with bursts

2.488 Vistas

We recently purchased a new Dell PowerEdge R640 that came with an X710 10G NIC. We have been experiencing poor performance on bursts of data. All applications on the server experience a momentary loss of connectivity from time to time. We are unsure if Windows Server 2019 is the culprit or if it's a network card setting. We just changed the profile to Low Latency in the configuration utility and are preparing to test again tomorrow.

Can you confirm how these additional settings should be configured to minimize jitter and dropped packets on incoming message bursts? The PC has 48 physical cores.

Maximum number of RSS queues

Maximum number of RSS processors


0 kudos
10 Respuestas
2.471 Vistas

Hi Nyserveradmin,

Thank you for posting in our Intel® Ethernet Communities Page.

To answer your question, we would like to get logs on the configuration of your system. Please download and run our Intel® System Support Utility tool from this page, https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility-for-Windows-?product=91600. After running the program, please save the logs to a text file. Post your reply with the  file attached.

We look forward to hearing from you. If we do not get your reply, we will follow up after 3 business days.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support

2.469 Vistas

Please see attached. Looking to optimize any settings possible to keep up with large bursts of data.

2.460 Vistas

Hi Nyserveradmin,

Thank you providing those information.

Please allow us some time to check on this. 

We will get back to you no later than 3 business days from now.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support 

2.446 Vistas

Hi nyserveradmin,

Thank you for patiently waiting for our update.

We are still checking your concern. While we are checking, we would like to ask if you already tried the recommendations listed on this site, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005811/network-and-i-o/ethernet-products.html.

Kindly provide us a graph or logs of the packet drops.

We appreciate your understanding on this. While waiting for your reply, we will continue our investigation of your issue. We will endeavor to provide you with an update no later than 3 business days from now.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support 

2.426 Vistas

Things improved after I made those changes in that article. Can you confirm if there is an intel utility that would log dropped packets? As of right now, things seem stable.

Can you confirm the optimal settings for Number of RSS Processors and Number of RSS queues? Should they always be equal? The server has 48 physical cores. Can you provide some guidelines on how to set these?

2.417 Vistas

Hi Nyserveradmin,

We appreciate the fast response.

We are glad to know that things improved after you tried the settings outlined on the document that we have provided you. Unfortunately, we do not have a tool to measure packet loss, our customers usually just provide us a graph of the Windows 2019 network status via task manager. You just need to edit some settings to show the drop packets on the graph.

We are still checking and cross referencing your system information with the recommendation that we can provide you for your question. Please allow us more time to check on this. It is also the reason why we would like to get a log or graph of the drop packet as that may serve handy as well

We will be waiting for your graph while we are checking on your other question.

We will get back to you no later than 3 business days from now.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support

2.412 Vistas

Hi Nyserveradmin,

Thank you for waiting for our update.

You may find the procedures listed on page 7 of this document, https://downloadmirror.intel.com/28410/eng/Adapter_User_Guide.pdf. Please let us know if you have already tried the recommendations on this document for your concern.

We look forward to your reply. Should we not get your reply, we will follow up after three business days.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support 

2.402 Vistas

Hi Nyserveradmin,

We are just following up.

It looks like you need more time to provide the information that we asked.

We will follow up again after 3 business days. Should we not hear from you, our system may automatically close the thread.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support

2.383 Vistas

Hi Nyserveradmin, 

We need to close this thread since we have not gotten a response from you: maybe because you are busy or preoccupied at the moment. We know that this is important for you to get it resolved and it is also equally important for us to give you the right solution; as much as we would like to assist you, we need to close it to attend to other customers. We hope for your consideration and understanding on this one.

If you still need assistance with your concern, you can reply back to the thread or create another topic, and we will be more than glad to assist you 

Thank you for contacting Intel® and have a great week!

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support

2.137 Vistas

Are you able to confirm what the difference is between RSS queues and RSS processors?


Should you have more queues than processors or vice versa? Or should they be equal?
