FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP


Honored Contributor II

I am having some trouble with ALTFP_MULT. Ran Megawizard to add ALTFP_MULT to my project and created an instance in my top level module. When I try to synthesize it I am getting the following errors from db/altfp_mult_gpf.tdf: 


error (287127): text design file syntax error: text design file contains a symbolic name where assert, constant, define, design, function, options, parameters, subdesign, or title was expected 

error (287129): text design file syntax error: expected letter, digit, slash (/), dash (-), or underscore (_) in quoted symbolic name 

error (287129): text design file syntax error: expected letter, digit, slash (/), dash (-), or underscore (_) in quoted symbolic name 


I tried generating the IP in both Verilog and VHDL and tried instantiating it in a Verilog module and in a Schematic based module, all resulted the same error. I even tried creating a new project that contained nothing else, just the ALTFP_MULT instance, same error. I am using Quartus II 14.1 Web and targeting a Cyclone V SX. 


Any idea what is causing these errors? Also, can somebody tell me what is the difference between ALTFP_MULT and ALTERA_FP_FUNCTIONS (other than the fact that the second includes several arithmetic functions)?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

I'm getting the same issue. Any luck fixing this issue?

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Honored Contributor II

This is suggested to use ALTERA_FP_FUNCTIONS. This is newer megafucntion for supporting the floating point.

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