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6543 Discussions

AVS_AES IP-Core from OpenCores

Honored Contributor II



I am working on a project for my university where I need to encrypt AES. I want to use the AES 128/192/256 ( ECB ) Avalon-MM Slave from Thomas Ruschival which can be found at http://opencores.org/project,avs_aes (http://opencores.org/project,avs_aes). As development board I am using a DE2-115 and I am working with Quartus 10.1sp1.  


If I implement the core and try to run the example c-code, that comes with the core I just get 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 out as result (I tried to debug and look into it quite some time). Does someone has a running example he would share with me? 


Thanks, Peter.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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I am working on a project for my university where I need to encrypt AES. I want to use the AES 128/192/256 ( ECB ) Avalon-MM Slave from Thomas Ruschival which can be found at http://opencores.org/project,avs_aes (http://opencores.org/project,avs_aes). As development board I am using a DE2-115 and I am working with Quartus 10.1sp1.  


If I implement the core and try to run the example c-code, that comes with the core I just get 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 out as result (I tried to debug and look into it quite some time). Does someone has a running example he would share with me? 


Thanks, Peter. 

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Any joy with this Peet? 


I've been fouling around with this the last few days, no joy as such.. 

I converted vhdl to BDF and connected up ios etc. Doesn't want to compile for me at the moment!
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