FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6463 Discussions

AltPll Dynamic phase shift state machine

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, 


I am trying to implement a design for generating a dynamic phase shift clock output. I am using cyclone III device for my design. I have gone through the documentation to implement dynamic phase shift ( http://www.altera.com/literature/an/an507.pdf ) I found a statemachine implimentation description to controle the parameters of the pll. I have implemented the statemachine as described in the document but it doesn't seem to work. If any body implemented the statemachine,could you please help me . 


Best regards, 

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Did you check in hardware or gatelevel simulation? If in hardware, can you show a signaltap recording of the relevant signals?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



The statemachine is working fine. I have tested it with signal tap.below you find the code. 



library ieee; 

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; 

use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ; 



entity dynamic_input is 


port ( 

clk : in std_logic ; 

choose_op : in std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0 ); -- "01" to shift down the phase,"10" to shift up the phase and others no effect 

phase_counter_sel_in : in std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 );-- for selecting output clock to be shifted 

phase_counter_sel_out : out std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 ); 

phase_up_down : out std_logic ;-- when '1' shifts phase up '0' shifts down 

phasestep : out std_logic ;--to enable phase shift process  

phasedone : in std_logic ;  

--scan_clk : out std_logic ; 

--state_out : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0 )  




end entity dynamic_input; 


architecture behaviour of dynamic_input is  

type state is ( init , phase_up , phase_down , wait_up , wait_down , wait_shiftend , wait_phasedone ); 

signal pr_state : state ; 

signal next_state : state := init ; 



--scan_clk <= clk ; 

phase_counter_sel_out <= phase_counter_sel_in ; 


process ( clk ) 


if ( clk = '0' and clk'event ) then 

pr_state <= next_state ;  

end if ; 

end process ; 


process ( pr_state ) 




case pr_state is  


when init => 


--set initial values to the dynamic parameters-- 

phasestep <= '0' ; 

phase_up_down <= '0' ;  

if ( choose_op = "10" ) then 

next_state <= phase_up ; 

elsif ( choose_op = "01" ) then 

next_state <= phase_down ; 


next_state <= init ; 

end if ; 



when phase_up =>  


phasestep <= '1' ; 

phase_up_down <= '1' ;  

next_state <= wait_up ; 



when phase_down => 


phasestep <= '1' ; 

phase_up_down <= '0' ;  

next_state <= wait_down ; 




when wait_up => 


phasestep <= '1' ; 

phase_up_down <= '1' ;  

next_state <= wait_phasedone ; 




when wait_down => 


phasestep <= '1' ; 

phase_up_down <= '0' ;  

next_state <= wait_phasedone ; 




when wait_phasedone => 


if ( phasedone = '0' ) then 

phasestep <= '0' ;  

next_state <= wait_shiftend ; 

end if ; 




when wait_shiftend => 


if ( phasedone = '1' ) then  

next_state <= init ; 

end if ; 




end case ;  


end process ; 


end behaviour ;
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