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Avalon On chip Fifo

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 

i'm having trouble with avalon Fifo core (dual clock mode). 

I have a simple FSM that grabs data from a fifo(1) and then transmit the response to another fifo(2) but nothing is written as read level is 0.  

But, if i write 3 times the same data in fifo(1) i get one response in fifo(2). 

well i think i missed something there... 


notes : interrupts are disabled, Almost empty = 1 




init_fifos_in(); init_fifos_out(); init_fifos_in(); init_fifos_out(); altera_avalon_fifo_write_fifo(FIFO_PC_TO_DIF_IN_BASE, FIFO_PC_TO_DIF_IN_CSR_BASE, 0x00004005); altera_avalon_fifo_write_fifo(FIFO_PC_TO_DIF_IN_BASE, FIFO_PC_TO_DIF_IN_CSR_BASE, 0x00004005); altera_avalon_fifo_write_fifo(FIFO_PC_TO_DIF_IN_BASE, FIFO_PC_TO_DIF_IN_CSR_BASE, 0x00004005); printf("pio read = x%x\n", IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(PIO_0_BASE)); if(altera_avalon_fifo_read_level(FIFO_DIF_TO_PC_OUT_CSR_BASE)>0) { printf("altera_avalon_fifo_read_level(FIFO_DIF_TO_PC_OUT_CSR_BASE) = %d\n",altera_avalon_fifo_read_level(FIFO_DIF_TO_PC_OUT_CSR_BASE)); while(altera_avalon_fifo_read_level(FIFO_DIF_TO_PC_OUT_CSR_BASE)!=0) { printf("fifo read = x%x\n", IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_FIFO_DATA(FIFO_DIF_TO_PC_OUT_BASE)); } } } 



status initializing fifo = 0 pio read = x4005 altera_avalon_fifo_read_level(FIFO_DIF_TO_PC_OUT_CSR_BASE) = 1 fifo read = x30c30c30
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

problem solved, fsm did not work properly (signal tap), although it was ok in simulation...

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