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PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6536 Discussions

Color Space Converter not generated corectly

Honored Contributor II

Hi all, I try to use the CSC IP for converting my Video Stream from RGB to YCrCb. It use the MegaWizard to generate a CSC VHDL IP Module suiting my needs. But the generated file csc.vhd has a syntax error. This is very strange, but not the real problem. when I start the synthesis following errors happen.  

Info (12128): Elaborating entity "csc_in" for hierarchy "csc_in:sRGB_YCrCb_1" Warning (277001): IP Generator Warning: This module has no ports or interfaces Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/csc_in_gn.vhd Info (12022): Found design unit 1: csc_in_GN-rtl Info (12023): Found entity 1: csc_in_GN Info (12128): Elaborating entity "csc_in_GN" for hierarchy "csc_in:sRGB_YCrCb_1|csc_in_GN:auto_inst" Warning (12158): Entity "csc_in_GN" contains only dangling pins .... Error (12002): Port "clock" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_data" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_endofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_ready" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_startofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_valid" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_data" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_endofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_ready" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_startofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_valid" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "reset" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1"  


They are correct, because the "db/csc_in_gn.vhd" file has a entity with no ports, but why? 

Did someone have the same problem? I use Quartus 13.1 with update 2 installed and a Cyclone 5 SoC. ( The error also happened before the update) 



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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II


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Hi all, I try to use the CSC IP for converting my Video Stream from RGB to YCrCb. It use the MegaWizard to generate a CSC VHDL IP Module suiting my needs. But the generated file csc.vhd has a syntax error. This is very strange, but not the real problem. when I start the synthesis following errors happen.  

Info (12128): Elaborating entity "csc_in" for hierarchy "csc_in:sRGB_YCrCb_1" Warning (277001): IP Generator Warning: This module has no ports or interfaces Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file db/csc_in_gn.vhd Info (12022): Found design unit 1: csc_in_GN-rtl Info (12023): Found entity 1: csc_in_GN Info (12128): Elaborating entity "csc_in_GN" for hierarchy "csc_in:sRGB_YCrCb_1|csc_in_GN:auto_inst" Warning (12158): Entity "csc_in_GN" contains only dangling pins .... Error (12002): Port "clock" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_data" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_endofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_ready" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_startofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "din_valid" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_data" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_endofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_ready" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_startofpacket" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "dout_valid" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1" Error (12002): Port "reset" does not exist in macrofunction "sRGB_YCrCb_1"  


They are correct, because the "db/csc_in_gn.vhd" file has a entity with no ports, but why? 

Did someone have the same problem? I use Quartus 13.1 with update 2 installed and a Cyclone 5 SoC. ( The error also happened before the update) 




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I have a similar issue with an intelacer instance on an Arria V device. 


Have you recieved an answer ?
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