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Compilation fft library in ModelSim

Honored Contributor II

Hi, I am trying to build the fft library in ModelSim... I am following the instruction in previous posts of others to compile the file ./fft_pack_fft_90.vhd in modelsim so that i can use to compile testbench file.. 


However, when i try to compile this fft_pack_fft_90.vhd file, following error messages displayed# ** Error: C:/altera/Project/FFT_h/fft-library/fft_pack_fft_90.vhd(1): near "<byte 0x8b>": illegal character found in source# ** Error: C:/altera/Project/FFT_h/fft-library/fft_pack_fft_90.vhd(1): near "<byte 0x13>": illegal character found in source# ** Error: C:/altera/Project/FFT_h/fft-library/fft_pack_fft_90.vhd(1): near "<byte 0x9c>": illegal character found in source# ** Error: C:/altera/Project/FFT_h/fft-library/fft_pack_fft_90.vhd(1): VHDL Compiler exiting 


What is the problem with this file? How should I do so that I can compile this file successfully?
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

i suspect you are trying to compile the encrypted core source. you need to enable generation of the simulation model netlist in the MegaWizard, and compile the generated <instance_name>.vho in your ModelSim project instead of the <instance_name>.vhd and its associated libraries

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Honored Contributor II

Hi, using yr suggestion.. I can compile the <file name>.vho into the modelSim.  


Now I tried to compile the <file name_tb>.vhd into my project also has no problem. When I run simulation using this IP generated testbench file, it mentioned of fatal error. the error message is as below: 

# Fatal error in Process memory at C:/altera/91/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../altera/vhdl/src/altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd line 39243# Cannot continue because of fatal error.# HDL call sequence:# Stopped at C:/altera/91/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../altera/vhdl/src/altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd 39243 Subprogram read_my_memory# called from C:/altera/91/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../altera/vhdl/src/altera_mf/altera_mf.vhd 40978 Process memory 


Do I need to modify the generated testbench file before compiled it in modelSim in order to run simulation?
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Honored Contributor II

can you post more of the log? are you doing the whole process manually or is there a .do file? are you trying to vcom altera_mf.vhd? ModelSim-A(S)E shouldn't require this step, the libraries are precompiled and installed

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Honored Contributor II

Hi, I attached the complete log that was shown when I tried to run the simulation using the generated testbench file. 


What is the meaning of .do file? 


I am using the ModelSim starter edition, because inside the modelsim doesnt have fft_lib library, So initially I followed your advice to compile the .vho file to include the fft library to the modelsim.. after that, I compiled the <fft core>.vhd and the <test bench>.vhd in work folder. Then I run simulation on the testbench file, then i select option "add to wave all items in region" then I click on start simulation... The resulting error message occurs.
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Honored Contributor II

first copy the fft_h_1n64cos.hex into the same directory as the <fft_core>.vhd 


you should not be copying stuff into the ModelSim "work" directory, but instead running the compile/vcom command on the VHDL files and storing them into the work (or other) libraries 


a .do file is a Tcl script for ModelSim which automates commands to set up your simulation
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Honored Contributor II

The file fft_h_1n64cos.hex is already in the same directory of the <fft core>.vhd in my computer. I compiled everything in the ModelSim and I didnt copy any files manually into the work folder. 


My step is firstly create a new library fft_lib and compiled the file <fft core>.vho. Secondly, I compiled the <fft core_tb>.vhd in the work folder.  

After these 2 steps, I open the <fft core_tb>.vhd  


I attached again the log file. The 1st log file was shown when I double click the <fft core_tb>.vhd file in the work folder. 


The second log file was shown when I run the simulation. 


Hope you can troubleshoot my problem... Thanks.
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Honored Contributor II

i think the .vho should be compiled into the work library, not into its own library 


let me go through a simulation flow to see if i can figure out where your problem is. to be honest i usually use NativeLink and edit the generated .do file to my needs
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