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6387 Discussions

DSP Builder Installation Problem

Honored Contributor II

im using matlab 7.4.0 (im not sure which version was it but i think its pretty old) with quartus ii 7.2sp3 and dsp builder ii 7.2 sp3. when install the dsp builder i have the following message appeared on the matlab command window: 



To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo. 

For product information, visit www.mathworks.com (http://www.mathworks.com). 


Install type is install 

Adding path : c:\altera\72sp3\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\matlab 

Adding path : c:\altera\72sp3\quartus\dsp_builder\bin 

Adding path : c:\altera\72sp3\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdllibrary 

DSP Builder path saved. 

Creating board components 

Error executing : createSBlock('ComponentFactory', 'Cyclone_III_EP3C25_alteradspbuilder2', 'Cyclone_III_EP3C25:config', 'Cyclone III EP3C25 Starter Board'); 

Previous command was : new_system('Cyclone_III_EP3C25_alteradspbuilder2', 'Library'); 

??? Too many inputs. 

Error in ==> <a href="error:c:\altera\72sp3\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\matlab\setupDSPBuilderPath.m,94,1">setupDSPBuilderPath at 94</a> 



» simulink 

» QUARTUS_ROOTDIR\dsp_builder\bin does not contain BlockInfo.dll 

Please ensure DSP Builder is installed correctly and that the environment variable QUARTUS_ROOTDIR points 

to your quartus installation. 



so i do believe something gone wrong when i install the dsp builder. any advice? or is my matlab version is not compatible with the other software?
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19 Replies
Honored Contributor II

i installed matlab7.4(matlab2007a)and quartus ii 7.2 sp3 and dspbuilder 7.2sp3, both in windows xp and windows vista,everything is ok,and it is only the right version i have installed which did not have errors,also, the quartus 8.0 and matlab2008a also have some problems, 

You'd better install matlab7.4 first,then quartus 7.2 ,then 7.2sp, then dsp 7.2,dsp7.2sp3,modelsim.Then if you also have some problems, it must be some problems with your windows system.
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Honored Contributor II


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i installed matlab7.4(matlab2007a)and quartus ii 7.2 sp3 and dspbuilder 7.2sp3, both in windows xp and windows vista,everything is ok,and it is only the right version i have installed which did not have errors,also, the quartus 8.0 and matlab2008a also have some problems, 

You'd better install matlab7.4 first,then quartus 7.2 ,then 7.2sp, then dsp 7.2,dsp7.2sp3,modelsim.Then if you also have some problems, it must be some problems with your windows system. 

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hi, thanks for the info. i found out something very weird. even though this dsp builder is not properly installed, i still manage to simulate and compile using the signal compiler, even though the diagram of the component is not right and lots of complains appears on the matlab command window. why is this so? 


and my home pc is using same quartus and dsp builder but matlab 2006a is used. whenever i try to compile the matlab, simulink will be jammed and not responding. so tis due to the incompatible matlab version i installed?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

First of all can you confirm what QUARTUS_ROOTDIR points to? Just type getenv('QUARTUS_ROOTDIR') at the MATLAB command prompt. 


Next up can you type "sGeneric" at the MATLAB command prompt. You should get an error (even if it's fine - since you didn't give any parameters). Please paste the error text here. 


And finally can you list the contents of the directory c:\altera\72sp3\quartus\dsp_builder\bin ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

hi.i think you're right,but the compatibilitites of altera'software is not so good,also.the dspbuilder works well depends on not only itself,but also matlab,maybe ug_dspbuilder.pdf which you can download from altera.com is your good teacher,after the installation of matlab and quartus,when you install ipcore and dsp,their directory you'd better select with default.

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Honored Contributor II


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First of all can you confirm what QUARTUS_ROOTDIR points to? Just type getenv('QUARTUS_ROOTDIR') at the MATLAB command prompt. 


Next up can you type "sGeneric" at the MATLAB command prompt. You should get an error (even if it's fine - since you didn't give any parameters). Please paste the error text here. 


And finally can you list the contents of the directory c:\altera\72sp3\quartus\dsp_builder\bin

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i got the following: 


>> getenv('QUARTUS_ROOTDIR') 


ans = 




>> sGeneric 

??? MEX level2 S-function "sGeneric" must be called with at least 4 right hand arguments 



and for the second command, sgeneric i got the following pop up: 


This application has failed to start because BlockInfo.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem 


then i attach the list of file i have in c:\altera\72sp3\quartus\dsp_builder\bin
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

i got the following: 


>> sGeneric 

??? MEX level2 S-function "sGeneric" must be called with at least 4 right hand arguments 



and for the second command, sgeneric i got the following pop up: 


This application has failed to start because BlockInfo.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem 


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Are you saying you ran the sGeneric command twice and it printed different error messages?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Are you saying you ran the sGeneric command twice and it printed different error messages? 

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i mean i ran it once but two error message came out.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I'm having the same problem after DSP builder installation, 


I have installed Quartus 7.2 sp3, matlab r2007b and dsp builder 7.2 sp3 


I've reinstalled matlab and dsp builder but I always have the same error.
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Honored Contributor II

The error message "QUARTUS_ROOTDIR\dsp_builder\bin does not contain BlockInfo.dll" is produced when DSPB detects something went wrong and tries to diagnose what might be wrong with the installation. It does the following check: 


blockinfoFile = fullfile(getenv('QUARTUS_ROOTDIR'), 'dsp_builder', 'bin', 'BlockInfo.dll'); 

file_status = exist(blockinfoFile, 'file'); 

if file_status ~= 3 

... error 



So I'm a little confused about why it would say it couldn't find the file unless it didn't exist. Is there anything interesting about your machine/setup, I should know? Is it Windows XP or Vista? 32 bit or 64 bit? If 64 bit, is matlab 32-bit (64-bit matlab is not supported)? 


Do you have other versions of Quartus installed? Are these other versions on the system path?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

The error message "QUARTUS_ROOTDIR\dsp_builder\bin does not contain BlockInfo.dll" is produced when DSPB detects something went wrong and tries to diagnose what might be wrong with the installation. It does the following check: 


blockinfoFile = fullfile(getenv('QUARTUS_ROOTDIR'), 'dsp_builder', 'bin', 'BlockInfo.dll'); 

file_status = exist(blockinfoFile, 'file'); 

if file_status ~= 3 

... error 



So I'm a little confused about why it would say it couldn't find the file unless it didn't exist. Is there anything interesting about your machine/setup, I should know? Is it Windows XP or Vista? 32 bit or 64 bit? If 64 bit, is matlab 32-bit (64-bit matlab is not supported)? 


Do you have other versions of Quartus installed? Are these other versions on the system path? 

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hmmm...after all these trouble, i uninstall my matlab and reinstall newer version of matlab which is 2007a. everything goes fine so far. i saw ur reply on the other thread saying that only matlab 7.0.4 couldnt support DSP builder so i change my matlab. thanks alot!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

So was the 7.4.0 you said at the start of this thread a typo? I guess that would explain it. 


Did the installer actually recognise your old installation or did you have to manually type in the MATLAB path to make it find it? 


Anyway it's good news that you've solved your problem!
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have got Microsoft Vista Sp1 SO 


I had installed and running fine DSP Builder 7 with Quartus 7.2 and Matlab R2007b. 


Last week I tried to upgrade to the Quartus 8 and I had problems with license. 


Then I decided desinstalling all programs and return to the Altera suite 7.2.  


Now Quartus and NIOS EDS are running fine, but after installing DSP Builder over Matlab this message of error appears, 


Install type is install Adding path : c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\matlab Adding path : c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin Adding path : c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdllibrary DSP Builder path saved. Creating board components ??? Undefined function or variable 'com.altera.dspbuilder.simulation.components.ComponentLibrary'. Error in ==> c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\matlab\alt_dspbuilder_createComponentLibrary.p>alt_dspbuilder_createComponentLibrary at 24 Error in ==> setupDSPBuilderPath at 94 alt_dspbuilder_createComponentLibrary;
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

So was the 7.4.0 you said at the start of this thread a typo? I guess that would explain it. 


Did the installer actually recognise your old installation or did you have to manually type in the MATLAB path to make it find it? 


Anyway it's good news that you've solved your problem! 

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yaya...sorry for the typo error!!! didn even realise it...sorry!! u mean the does the dsp builder installer recognise the old matlab? not really.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I have got Microsoft Vista Sp1 SO 


I had installed and running fine DSP Builder 7 with Quartus 7.2 and Matlab R2007b. 


Last week I tried to upgrade to the Quartus 8 and I had problems with license. 


Then I decided desinstalling all programs and return to the Altera suite 7.2.  


Now Quartus and NIOS EDS are running fine, but after installing DSP Builder over Matlab this message of error appears, 


Install type is install Adding path : c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\matlab Adding path : c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin Adding path : c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\mdllibrary DSP Builder path saved. Creating board components ??? Undefined function or variable 'com.altera.dspbuilder.simulation.components.ComponentLibrary'. Error in ==> c:\altera\72\quartus\dsp_builder\bin\matlab\alt_dspbuilder_createComponentLibrary.p>alt_dspbuilder_createComponentLibrary at 24 Error in ==> setupDSPBuilderPath at 94 alt_dspbuilder_createComponentLibrary; 

--- Quote End ---  




did it work well when you initially installed the quartus 7.2 Lite?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



It sounds like you don't have the class path set up properly. At the MATLAB prompt, type: 


type classpath.txt 


At the bottom, there should be a section like: 


# DSPBuilder START  


# DSPBuilder END  


Does it exist and does it point to a file in your current DSP Builder installation?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi cLare, dsp builder worked well with quartus 7.2. 


dabuk, typing : "type classpath.txt" 


there isn't any reference to DSP builder.
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Honored Contributor II

With no reference to DSP Builder on the classpath, it's not surprising the installer failed. Could you try reinstalling DSP Builder and see if it changes the classpath.txt file? On my installation this is found at:  


C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007b\toolbox\local\classpath.txt 


Is this file read only for instance? You could for instance add the following to it: 


# DSPBuilder START  


# DSPBuilder END  


(Obviously make sure the path above matches where you installed Quartus).
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I've removed remaining files from uninstallation and installing again Matlab r2007b and DSP builder 7.2 sp3. Then the installation was error free. 


classpath have the settings you specified 


Now, when matlab is started this error appears and dspbuilder blocks weren't loaded 


Warning: Directory access failure: C:\altera\72\quartus\DSPBuilder\AltLibC:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007b\toolbox\matlab\general. Undefined function or variable 'ispc'. Warning: MATLAB did not appear to successfully set the search path. To avoid this warning the next time you start MATLAB, use http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/ref/pathdef.shtml to help troubleshoot the "pathdef.m" file. To recover for this session of MATLAB, type "restoredefaultpath;matlabrc". Warning: Duplicate directory name: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007b\toolbox\local. Warning: Initializing Handle Graphics failed in matlabrc. This indicates a potentially serious problem in your MATLAB setup, which should be resolved as soon as possible. Error detected was: MATLAB:UndefinedFunction Undefined function or method 'usejava' for input arguments of type 'char'. > In matlabrc at 104 Warning: Initializing Java preferences failed in matlabrc. This indicates a potentially serious problem in your MATLAB setup, which should be resolved as soon as possible. Error detected was: MATLAB:UndefinedFunction Undefined function or method 'usejava' for input arguments of type 'char'. > In matlabrc at 129 ??? Undefined function or variable 'ispc'. Error in ==> reporterrorlogs>isComputeServer at 337 if ispc Error in ==> reporterrorlogs at 14 if isdeployed || ~isInteractive || isComputeServer || ~isJavaAvailable || ~getCheckForLogFiles Error in ==> matlabrc at 265 reporterrorlogs
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Honored Contributor II

Sounds pretty bad. Looks like you matlab pathdef.m is corrupt.  


I would follow the advice in the error message and try: 




That should repair the MATLAB path at least.
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