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6542 Discussions

Difference between "SDRAM Controller Core" and "Tri-State SDRAM Core"

Honored Contributor II



In the "embedded peripherals ip user guide" (UG-01085, 2016.12.19) it is stated on the page 36: "the altera sdram tri-state controller has the same functionality as the sdram controller core with the addition of the tri-state feature". 

Nevertheless the interfaces to sdram modules of these 2 controllers are different. 

For example sdram controller core has no dqm (Data Input/Output Mask) inputs. 

The sdram module on my de1 board has these inputs - dqml (x16 Lower Byte, Input/Output Mask) and dqmh (x16 Upper Byte, Input/Output Mask). 

It seems that these signal aren't static, i.e. they change theirs states during data transfer. 


So, my question is: should I add custom control of these signals in the top wrapper module (module that wraps Qsys module instantiation) or use sdram tri-state controller, that, according to user guide (but i didn't check yet), has these controls. 


Thank in advance. 


Here below - block diagram of the SDRAM module with highlighted dqml/dqmh signals. 


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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Resolved. Although the DQML, DQMH ports aren't displayed in Qsys, they appear when system is generated.

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