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Error compiling Altera Uart 16550 IP Core Cyclone V

Honored Contributor II



+ Quartus 17 Prime Lite edition 

+ Windows 7 64 bits 

+ Altera 16550 Compatible UART 


I'm trying to use this module via avalon/axi bus. I added the module via qsys with no problems and I compiled a C software using the HWLIB and SoCAL libraries delivered by Altera.  

When I try to compile the project I get this error: 

Error (210039): File xxxxxx/de10nano_uart_16550/quartus/output_files/led_test_time_limited.sof contains one or more time-limited megafunctions that support the OpenCore Plus feature that will not work after the hardware evaluation time expires. Refer to the Messages window for evaluation time details.  


I understand what the error means but I think there is a mistake here given that I'm using the IP Cores delivered with Quartus and no other sources, besides there is no info on the documentation[1] about this megafunction being limited or how can we buy it. 


It generates a limited sof file which works OK while being connected but some implementations are not working (like FIFO) 

This is the first time I get a problem using Qsys + IP cores so I guess it is a bug on Quartus ? 


[1] Altera Corporation. (2017). Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide. Altera Documentation, (June), 358.
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II



We used this IP core on Quartus 15 and it certainly required purchase of an Opencores License through Altera then, so I guess you will need that if you want to do more than just evaluate it. 


Hope this helps, 


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Honored Contributor II

Could you give me please a reference price about what you paid? 


It feels strange that FIFO isn't working. I will try with the 30 day trial for complete Quartus, maybe that way I can unlock it to test FIFO. 


PS: Sorry for the double post, maybe an admin could join them ?
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Honored Contributor II



I can't recall a figure. I believe Altera probably waved the license cost because we are a big customer. They still needed to provide us with the key for Quartus though. I don't think the cost was ever very high but Altera don't own that IP. 


I can't remember any functionality issues without a license, only the inability to generate anything other than time limited SOF files. 


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Honored Contributor II

It seems like FIFO is working OK but not reporting correctly de FIFO size. 

I'll debug it a little more using the time-limited SOF. 


Thanks for the help!
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