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Error selecting Quartus project in HIL

Honored Contributor II



I'm working with the HIL tutorial in the DSP Builder user guide, but I have an issue which I don't know why it happens. I'm going step by step to simulate the FreqSweep given example. I compile FreqSweep.mdl with the Signal Compiler (being added my board block before doing it) and when I select the Quartus project in the HIL block in FreqSweep_HIL.mdl this error appears where project's path should: ERROR: Too many input arguments. 


I'm looking for solutions but I can't fins anything. Even the Troubleshooting HIL Designs in the User Guide didn't help. Does anyone know any solution? 


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Honored Contributor II

FYI, I got the solution. Just installing the last DSP builder and Quartus II version (12.o with SP2). I was working with 11.1 and MATLAB 2011b and maybe there were some incompatibilities or something. 

Now I can select the project, compile it and program it to the FPGA.
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