FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6541 Discussions

FFT IP of quartus taking resources differently in different project for same ip configuration

New Contributor I

I have two projects where in each I instantiated FFT 2048 IP bidirectional Block floating point configuration and rest is also same in both but in one project it's taking around 2k alm where as in other it's taking only around 226 alms. can you explain why this kind of things can happen generally.


Project 1Annotation 2019-08-29 171312.jpg


Project 2Annotation 2019-08-29 171234.jpg


IP settings


Annotation 2019-08-29 172145.jpg



one more thing I am observing is that in both project the submodule under the ip are not same. Some submodules not present in the project where less resources consuming.


In synthesis messages I saw any clues for the block logic inside FFT IP got trimmed or not, result is there are no such kind of messages regarding logic trimming.


Can you help me what are the other things i should see to find out this problem?

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2 Replies
New Contributor I

problem solved it's because of signals got trimmed then fft ip doing nothing. but the terminology used here was different not like in vivado. Here it is displayed as following message warning

"Warning (14320): Synthesized away node "


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thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you have managed to resolve the problem.

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