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6536 Discussions

I2C Master IP Core doesn't send ACK after receiving first of two bytes

New Contributor II


I am using the Intel I2C Master IP Core to communicate with a temperature sensor (TMP75B) on a custom PCB including an Arria 10 GX FPGA. The hardware is not yet present therefore I am currently simulating the components with ModelSim.

The Qsys subsystem under test includes the I2C Master IP Core, my custom VHDL component  that interacts with it and the Intel I2C Slave IP Core together with a On-Chip RAM for test purposes. In hardware the I2C Slave and the RAM will be replaced by the temperature sensor.



The subsystem also includes a I2C bridge, that connects the SDA and SCL pins via pull-up logic.

entity temp_tb_i2c_bridge is
	port (
		sda_in_master : out std_logic;        -- i2c_master.sda_in
		scl_in_master : out std_logic;        --           .scl_in
		sda_oe_master : in  std_logic := '0'; --           .sda_oe
		scl_oe_master : in  std_logic := '0'; --           .scl_oe
		data_in_slave : out std_logic;        --  i2c_slave.conduit_data_in
		clk_in_slave  : out std_logic;        --           .conduit_clk_in
		data_oe_slave : in  std_logic := '0'; --           .conduit_data_oe
		clk_oe_slave  : in  std_logic := '0'  --           .conduit_clk_oe
end entity temp_tb_i2c_bridge;

architecture a_temp_tb_i2c_bridge of temp_tb_i2c_bridge is


  sda_in_master <= '0' when data_oe_slave = '1' else 
                   '0' when sda_oe_master = '1' else 'H';
  scl_in_master <= '0' when scl_oe_master = '1' else 
                   '0' when clk_oe_slave  = '1' else 'H';
  data_in_slave <= '0' when sda_oe_master = '1' else 
                   '0' when data_oe_slave = '1' else 'H';
  clk_in_slave  <= '0' when scl_oe_master = '1' else 
                   '0' when clk_oe_slave  = '1' else 'H';

end architecture a_temp_tb_i2c_bridge;

The temp_ctrl component first initializes the I2C Master (SCL, SDA timing) and then waits for Avalon-MM read/write commands.

The write command works out fine: The temp_ctrl components fills the I2C Master up with commands for e.g. writing 2 Byte containing 0x1234.
The values written to the I2C master TFR_CMD register are:
0x20A (Start+Address=5+Write),
0x000 (Register=0),
0x034 (write first data byte),
0x112 (Stop+write second data byte).
I can see the I2C Slave writing the value 0x1234 to the RAM address 0 after that.


When reading from the same RAM address, I am using the following commands:
0x20A (Start+Address=5,Write),
0x100 (Stop+Register=0),
0x20B (Start+Address=5+Read),
0x000 (read first data byte),
0x100 (stop + read second data byte).
This works out fine too until the I2C master has to send the ACK after receiving the first data byte - it just doesn't do it.


As you can see in the image above, the master does send the Start+Address=5+Write (red), the Stop+Register=0 (purple) and then the Start+Address=5+Read (green). The master then receives the first data byte (0x34) from the slave (orange).

But after receiving the first data byte the I2C master doesn't generate a 9th clock with an ACK and the transmission of the second data byte is not started.

Does anybody know why the I2C Master behaves this way or what I am doing wrong?

Best Regards

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1 Solution

Hi Florian,

Check this previous KDB https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/programmable/articles/000086390.html.

You can't observe the ACK signal from simulation is expected as the ACK and NACK is handled by the controller itself.

However, you can use NACK_DET to check in case of master write to slave so that you'll know whenever there is no acknowledgement from slave. Hope it helps.

Best Regards,


p/s: If any answer from community or Intel support are helpful, please feel free to mark as solution and give Kudos.

View solution in original post

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3 Replies

Hi Florian,

Check this previous KDB https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/programmable/articles/000086390.html.

You can't observe the ACK signal from simulation is expected as the ACK and NACK is handled by the controller itself.

However, you can use NACK_DET to check in case of master write to slave so that you'll know whenever there is no acknowledgement from slave. Hope it helps.

Best Regards,


p/s: If any answer from community or Intel support are helpful, please feel free to mark as solution and give Kudos.

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New Contributor II

Hi Sheng,

thanks for the quick answer!
I have found that KDB when looking for a solution, but I thought it said that I could not control the ACK and NACK of the I2C Master IP core manually. Seems like I misinterpreted it.

It's a pity that I am now not able to simulate the I2C interface, but I guess I'll have to wait for the hardware and test through SignalTap then.


Thanks again and best regards,

0 Kudos

Hello Florian,

Glad to hear that you find the solution provided helpful. I'll now transition this thread to community support. If you have a new question in the future, feel free to open a new thread to get the support from Intel experts. Have a nice day:)

Best Regards,

Qi sheng N.

Intel Customer Support

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