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6536 Discussions

Is Transceiver Toolkit compatible with 8B10B encoder/decoder ?

Honored Contributor II



I want to test a transceiver link on a Stratix V GX SI Dev Board. 

Firstly, I have successfully run the altera design example "sv_4ch_32b_6445mbps" with Quartus II v13.0SP1. 

Then, I have modified the example, mainly by modifying the xcvr_custom_phy IP in QSys: 

- different data rate and clock 

- enabling 8B10B encoder/decoder 

- adjusting the word alignment pattern accordingly... 


I have successfully re-generated the design in QSys and then re-compiled the design in Quartus. 


Then I have tested the modified design with the toolkit, I have obtained the following results: 

- The Tx transceiver seems to run correctly 

- For the Rx transceiver, the indicator "RX CDR locked to data" is green but the Receiver Channel remains in Yellow with the following indication: "TOOLTIP_STATUS_RECEIVER_CHECKING_BUT_NOT_LOCKED". .. 

The behaviour is similar with and without the check of option "enable word aligner". 


By looking for a solution, I have read again the chapter 11 of the Altera document "http://www.altera.com/literature/hb/qts/qts_qii5v3.pdf". 

In the table 11-4 page 220, IP core configuration is provided. 

For the Custom PHY, the following configuration is indicated: 

-Set lanes, group size, serialization factor, data rate, and input clock frequency to match your application. 

-Turn on Avalon data interfaces 

-disable 8b/10b 

-Set Word alignment mode to manual 

-Disable rate match FIFO 

-Disable byte ordering block 


Based on this information, should we conclude that it is not possible to use 8B10B with the Transceiver Toolkit ? 


Thanks in advance for your help! 

Best Regards 

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II


if I am experiencing the same problem and I have reached the same conclusion, am I doing something wrong? I am using a Cyclone V so I am not looking at eye diagrams, just link ber. 

Thanks in advance
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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if I am experiencing the same problem and I have reached the same conclusion, am I doing something wrong? I am using a Cyclone V so I am not looking at eye diagrams, just link ber. 

Thanks in advance 

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I made this post a long time ago and now I'm working on different subject... so it is difficult to remember... 


As far as I remember, 8B10B is problematic for Transceiver Toolkit. 

However, I may found a functional test configuration using the "serial bit comparator" mode...  


Sorry for this poor support... 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

thanks, it is a good hint to start exploring new possibilities.

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