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6544 Discussions

MAX 10 Erasing via On-Chip Flash Intel FPGA IP - SOLVED


Dear friends,

I'm using MAX10 (10M08DAF484C8GES), Quartus 18.1 and On-Chip Flash Intel FPGA IP.


My problem is:

When I need erase Sector ID1 or ID2 (or another), the "busy" from Core status Register goes to High (2'b01 BUSY_ERASE) and next clock goes to Low (2'b00 IDLE). But the "es (erase successful)" is Low (1'b0 Erase failed). What can i do?

wp (Sector ID x write protection) is disable, sp (Sector ID 1 protection bit) is Low to (I can't setup, but I read 0).


It's normaly, when "busy" goes High (BUSY_ERASE) and next clock goes Low (IDDLE)?


My simplified code:


erase_state: process(PIN_OSCILATOR) begin if(rising_edge(PIN_OSCILATOR)) then if(flagErase='1') then actionErase<='1'; end if; case stateErase is when ERASE_READSTATUS_A_ON => flashConfigAddr<='0'; --Status register flashConfigRead<='1'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_A_OFF; when ERASE_READSTATUS_A_OFF => flashConfigRead<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_A_VALUE; when ERASE_READSTATUS_A_VALUE => flashStatus<=flashConfigReadData(9 downto 0); stateErase<=ERASE_DISABLEWP_ON; when ERASE_DISABLEWP_ON => if(flashStatus(1 downto 0)="00") then --Idle flashConfigAddr<='1'; --Control register flashConfigWrite<='1'; flashConfigWritedata<="11111110011111111111111111111111"; --Disable write protected mode Sector ID1, ID2 stateErase<=ERASE_DISABLEWP_OFF; else stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_A_ON; --busy, testing again end if; when ERASE_DISABLEWP_OFF => flashConfigWrite<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_B_ON; when ERASE_READSTATUS_B_ON => flashConfigAddr<='0'; --Status register flashConfigRead<='1'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_B_OFF; when ERASE_READSTATUS_B_OFF => flashConfigRead<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_B_VALUE; when ERASE_READSTATUS_B_VALUE => flashStatus<=flashConfigReadData(9 downto 0); stateErase<=ERASE_ERASECFM2_ON; when ERASE_ERASECFM2_ON => if(flashStatus(1 downto 0)="00") then --Idle flashConfigAddr<='1'; --Control register flashConfigWrite<='1'; flashConfigWritedata<="11111111100111111111111111111111"; --Erase Sector ID1 (UFM1) stateErase<=ERASE_ERASECFM2_OFF; else stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_B_ON; --busy, testing again end if; when ERASE_ERASECFM2_OFF => flashConfigWrite<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_C_ON; when ERASE_READSTATUS_C_ON => flashConfigAddr<='0'; --Status register flashConfigRead<='1'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_C_OFF; when ERASE_READSTATUS_C_OFF => flashConfigRead<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_C_VALUE; when ERASE_READSTATUS_C_VALUE => flashStatus<=flashConfigReadData(9 downto 0); stateErase<=ERASE_ERASECFM1_ON; when ERASE_ERASECFM1_ON => if(flashStatus(1 downto 0)="00") then --Idle flashConfigAddr<='1'; --Control register flashConfigWrite<='1'; flashConfigWritedata<="11111111101011111111111111111111"; --Erase Sector ID2 (UFM0) stateErase<=ERASE_ERASECFM1_OFF; else stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_C_ON; --busy, testing again end if; when ERASE_ERASECFM1_OFF => flashConfigWrite<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_D_ON; when ERASE_READSTATUS_D_ON => flashConfigAddr<='0'; --Status register flashConfigRead<='1'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_D_OFF; when ERASE_READSTATUS_D_OFF => flashConfigRead<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_D_VALUE; when ERASE_READSTATUS_D_VALUE => flashStatus<=flashConfigReadData(9 downto 0); stateErase<=ERASE_ENABLEWP_ON; when ERASE_ENABLEWP_ON => if(flashStatus(1 downto 0)="00") then --Idle flashConfigAddr<='1'; --Control register flashConfigWrite<='1'; flashConfigWritedata<="11111111111111111111111111111111"; --Enable write protected mode Sector ID2, ID1 (UFM1, UFM0) stateErase<=ERASE_ENABLEWP_OFF; else stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_D_ON; --busy, testing again end if; when ERASE_ENABLEWP_OFF => flashConfigWrite<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_E_ON; when ERASE_READSTATUS_E_ON => flashConfigAddr<='0'; --Status register flashConfigRead<='1'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_E_OFF; when ERASE_READSTATUS_E_OFF => flashConfigRead<='0'; stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_E_VALUE; when ERASE_READSTATUS_E_VALUE => flashStatus<=flashConfigReadData(9 downto 0); stateErase<=ERASE_FINISH; when ERASE_FINISH => if(flashStatus(1 downto 0)="00") then --Idle stateErase<=ERASE_STANDBY; else stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_E_ON; --busy, testing again end if; when ERASE_STANDBY => if (actionErase='1') then stateErase<=ERASE_READSTATUS_A_ON; actionErase<='0'; else stateErase<=ERASE_STANDBY; flashConfigWrite<='0'; flashConfigRead<='0'; flashStatus<= (others=>'0'); end if; end case; end if; end process erase_state;

I send IP setting and Scope signals (Read and Write signals are avmm_csr_read and avmm_csr_write, next signals are Core Status Register from flashStatus on my code).


Thank you, Tomas

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3 Replies

Hi ,

Can you please check the figure 11 and 12 wave form of the below document correlates with your finding .



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thank you for your answer. Figure 11 and 12 is Read Operation. It working good [when I use "non-default initialization file" on "On-Chip Flash IntelFPGA IP", the data stored via USB Blaster I read via "On-Chip Flash IntelFPGA IP (figure 11 and 12 on your answer)" good].


I can't erasing. I can't find any erasing figure or example, only 4.2.4. and 4.2.5. on your document.


When i disable the write protection, then test BUSY state (=IDLE). Then I write erase operation in the status register. Then test BUSY state. BUSY state is BUSY_ERASE now, but only one clock period. Next clock period is BUSY reading IDLE again. Flash is no erased and es (erase successful) is 1'b0 always.


I don't know what I doing wrong..


Thank you, Tomas


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my bad sequence:

flashConfigWritedata<="11111110011111111111111111111111"; --Disable write protected mode Sector ID1, ID2

flashConfigWritedata<="11111111100111111111111111111111"; --Erase Sector ID1 (UFM1) *write protected is enabled again - bad!!

flashConfigWritedata<="11111111101011111111111111111111"; --Erase Sector ID2 (UFM0) *write protected is enabled again - bad!!

flashConfigWritedata<="11111111111111111111111111111111"; --Enable write protected mode Sector ID2, ID1 (UFM1, UFM0)


good sequence:

flashConfigWritedata<="11111110011111111111111111111111"; --Disable write protected mode Sector ID1, ID2

flashConfigWritedata<="11111110000111111111111111111111"; --Erase Sector ID1 (UFM1) *write protected is disabled permanently- good!!

flashConfigWritedata<="11111110001011111111111111111111"; --Erase Sector ID2 (UFM0) *write protected is disabled permanently- good!!

flashConfigWritedata<="11111111111111111111111111111111"; --Enable write protected mode Sector ID2, ID1 (UFM1, UFM0)



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