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6535 Discussions

Problem in DDR2 controller with SOPC simulation.

Honored Contributor II

Hey guys, 

i am trying to simulate the ddr2 sopc controller using the method provided, by making a wrapper file using the example top level design. The design passes the analysis and synthesis test, though the fitter gives an error, 

"Internal data size overflow in module "ddr2_test_component_ram_module". 

This is the test ddr2 module used for simulation. When i see the code for this i know that its data width is 128 bits. i guess the controller gives me 64 bit data width. now I am not very sure how to change either of them so to match the data widths.  

Any suggestions. 

Many thanks, 

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Has anyone found a solution to this problem?

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