FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6425 讨论

Ram memory read 2 cycle delay

名誉分销商 II
1,297 次查看

I use Memory compiler in MeagWizard to generate 1-port Ram. 


but there are both one register at input and output, this make read delay 2 cycle. 


I want to know if there is anyway to make Ram read delay only one cycle 


just like ASIC memory or something did I miss ? 


device: cyclone V E (DE0) 


software: 11.1sp2
0 项奖励
2 回复数
名誉分销商 II
435 次查看

On the latter pages, there should be option to disable registered outputs.

0 项奖励
名誉分销商 II
435 次查看


--- Quote Start ---  

On the latter pages, there should be option to disable registered outputs. 

--- Quote End ---  



omg haha thanks 


I knew that I must be missing something :p
0 项奖励