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6385 Discussions

Simulating PCIE_DDR4: what are the complete setup contents.

New Contributor I



I am trying to simulate the reference PCIE_DDR for the Terasic De5a-NET DDR4 board. I was referring to Intel Documentation https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/programmable/683162/23-1-2-7-0/simulating-external-memory-interface.html

My questions are:

1. Is following section 2.6 sufficient in running simulation? [Attached Screenshot]

The msim_setup.tcl script is just sourcing device and design libraries etc.  At what parts is it driving the design?

I can run ld_debug and I do see Objects in window. But I want to meaningfully verify DDR read/writes in simulation.


2. If a separate testbench script is needed which in turn sources msim_setup.tcl. Where can I find an example of such a testbench?

The `Generate` -> `Generate Testbench System` option in my understanding stops at providing msim_setup.tcl script.


Further this design used PCIe Hard IP. BFM are one such way of simulation.

3. Is there a BFM testbench script available for reference?

I was not able to find it. And it is confusing to build one owing to complex design(atleast for me.)

An answer to above questions is greatly appreciated.
I can also provide additional information if needed.

Thank you,

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6 Replies


1. Is following section 2.6 sufficient in running simulation? [Attached Screenshot]

>> Are you trying to simulate PCIe design or Emif design ?

>> if it is memery interface issue, you may refer to our official youtube channel which there got step by step guide to run the simulation

>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCr-0eOwo9o&ab_channel=IntelFPGA

2. If a separate testbench script is needed which in turn sources msim_setup.tcl. Where can I find an example of such a testbench?

>> Please refer to answer in question 1, the video shall explain how you generate the testbench for simulation

3. Is there a BFM testbench script available for reference?

Can I know which tile that you are referring for the PCIe HIP ? P-tile ? R-tile or others...



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New Contributor I

Hello Wincent,

Please refer to answer in question 1, the video shall explain how you generate the testbench for simulation

Thank you for the link I am reviewing it and I will get back to you by the end of this week. Primarily I am not still not sure where the stimulus is sent from, driving the signals.

Are you trying to simulate PCIe design or Emif design ?

In the PCIe_DDR example I want to simulate reading/writing to DDR memory. I want to verify meaningfully some data being read and written to DDR. Please suggest the setup for it.

Can I know which tile that you are referring for the PCIe HIP ? P-tile ? R-tile or others...

I have not worked on PCIe designs before, can you please point out where I can find this information for you.

Thank you,


0 Kudos


Please refer to answer in question 1, the video shall explain how you generate the testbench for simulation

Thank you for the link I am reviewing it and I will get back to you by the end of this week. Primarily I am not still not sure where the stimulus is sent from, driving the signals.

>> the video shall be clear, please refer and try to run it.

Are you trying to simulate PCIe design or Emif design ?

In the PCIe_DDR example I want to simulate reading/writing to DDR memory. I want to verify meaningfully some data being read and written to DDR. Please suggest the setup for it.

>> for PCIe_DDR you may refer to https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/programmable/683390/quartus-prime-pro-v17-0-arria-10/pci-express-dma-reference-design-using.html

Can I know which tile that you are referring for the PCIe HIP ? P-tile ? R-tile or others...

I have not worked on PCIe designs before, can you please point out where I can find this information for you.

Is okay, you are using Arria 10, it is PCIE Hard IP.


Wei Chuan

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I wish to follow up with you about this IPS case.

Do you have any further questions on this matter ?

​​​​​​​Else I would like to have your permission to close this IPS ticket


Wei Chuan

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