FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6376 Discussions

Stratix V PCIe HIP not supporting Avalon MM Gen3 x8 I/F

Honored Contributor II

Can anyone say why ? 


I have a single EP design using Avalon MM interconnect and across Cyclone IV, Arria V and Stratix V and I want to support Gen3 X1, X4 and X8 on the Stratix V card ... 

This is a problem to switch to Avalon ST interconnect for one design point .... 


Any ideas on how to get around this ? 


Thanks, Bob.
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21 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Instead of rely on assign gen3_speed = tl_cfg_tl_cfg_sts[32:31] == 2'b11;  

how about you use Signaltap II to monitor current_speed[1:0] and see if the link is really train-up to gen3. 

The following encodings are defined: 

- 2b’00: Undefined 

- 2b’01: Gen1 

- 2b’10: Gen2 

2b’11: Gen3
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