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6555 Discussions

TSE Simple Socket with epcs

Honored Contributor II

Hi all,  


I'am starting a new design based on c4gx board. I would like to use the TSE IP for ethernet communication. 


So I want to start with SSS project. My question is can I design my custom pcb with eps128 memory only (without CFI) and use it like the sss example? 


Sss example use CFI flash only to store MAC adress. Is it true ?  


So I think that is not a probleme to store it in the EPSc memory. 

I know that the read/write fonctions are not exactly the same for this 2 memory. 


Thanks for response. 

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

The MAC address is supplied to the network stack through the get_board_mac_addr() callback function which is called by the mac initialization code but it is defined in your application. Browse the SSS project and you'll find it. 

Here you can choose where to read the mac address from, or possibly use a fixed mac address. 

Same for IP address.
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Honored Contributor II

you will still need sram or dram, but the cfi flash is not required. the portion of code that reads the mac address from the flash is in your application, the default function reads from cfi flash but you can edit it to do whatever you like.

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Honored Contributor II

thank you Cris and dwesterg for the reply. 

Do you think in my project if I can directly execute the code from my EPSC (in sopc builder configure Reset vector to the epcs) and the execption vector (in my ssram)?
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Honored Contributor II

You can boot your code from epcs but I think you can't execute from epcs, if this is what you mean. 

Configure reset vector to epcs will indeed copy all code from epcs to program memory (sram or dram) upon boot.
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