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6448 Discussions

Tri speed Ethernet Interface Testbench for MAX 10 Device

Honored Contributor II

Dear All, In Ethernet option of Interfce protocol in Quartus prime lite edition software there is a testbench for Ethernet protocl. If i want to send some data from FPGA to PC via Ethernet then should i write a verilog code or i can use this default testbench for Ethernet protocol. Sorry if you find this question dumb. But i am quite freaking out about the verilog code of Ethernet interface. Thanks in advance

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

If you want to run simulation, you can use the default testbench. 

You can also consider refer to example below: 

MAX 10 Single-Port Triple Speed Ethernet and On-Board PHY Chip Design Example 



(This message was posted on behalf of Intel Corporation)
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