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6544 Discussions

Triple speed Ethernet IP core


I am using quartus 16.0 lite version

When am using TSE mac ip for my project, while compiling upto timequest timing analysis it was succesfull, SOF file is also created, but in EDA netlist writer am getting this below error. 

Error (204012): Can't generate netlist output files because the file "F:/shandeep/PROJECTS/NPOL 4 CHANNEL/example design/max10tse_project/platform/qsys_top/synthesis/submodules/altera_tse_clk_cntl.v" is an OpenCore Plus time-limited file. Remove the unlicensed cores or obtain a license for those OpenCore Plus time-limited IP cores used in the design. The Altera Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resolve this error. Visit the Knowledge Database at https://www.altera.com/support/support-resources/knowledge-base/search.html and search for this specific error message number.

Error (204012): Can't generate netlist output files because the file "F:/shandeep/PROJECTS/NPOL 4 CHANNEL/example design/max10tse_project/platform/qsys_top/synthesis/submodules/altera_tse_a_fifo_opt_1246.v" is an OpenCore Plus time-limited file. Remove the unlicensed cores or obtain a license for those OpenCore Plus time-limited IP cores used in the design. The Altera Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resolve this error. Visit the Knowledge Database at https://www.altera.com/support/support-resources/knowledge-base/search.html and search for this specific error message number.


is there a license required for triple speed ethernet

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3 Replies
Hello Welcome to INTEL forum. This error can happen if you have enabled an EDA simulation tool in your Quartus project. Could help check on this, disable the EDA simulation tool in your project by opening the Settings dialog box from the Quartus II Assignments menu. Select the category EDA Tool Settings and the subcategory Simulation. On the Simulation page of the Settings dialog box, change the Tool name option to <None>.

Hello AAbd

As suggested by u i disabled the EDA simulation tool to none the error does not appear. I would to like verify the ethernet design in a custom MAX10 (10M16SAU169I7) board but upon full compilation the tool does not generate .pof file required for flashing the device. Does this mean i need license for my Triple speed Ethernet core if yes can you tell me how to obtain a evaluation license

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Yes Sir, your understanding is right. To generate .pof file require a valid license .dat file. As per your request, you can contact our nearest Intel sales person or distributor for temp/evaluation license. Please find the contact for our sales and distributor from link below: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/buy/intellectual-property.html Our sale and distributor team shall review and respond to your request.
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