FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6541 Discussions

What else do I need to apply Optane Persistent Memory to Stratix 10 DX FPGA except for DDR-T IP?




I want to apply Optane Persistent Memory to Stratix 10 DX 2100 FPGA. I have already got a license to use the DDR-T IP. Are there any other software toolkit like specific SDK, IP should I buy?  Besides, should I contact for availability and customization (e.g. to install some specific hardware module on the board) before I buy the board?


That is, to apply Optane Persistent Memory to Stratix 10 DX FPGA, are there anything to buy except for the FPGA card and DDR-T IP? And are there any extra modification to the FPGA card to support Optane Persistent Memory?


By the way, I posted a similar issue here. However, I was no able to reply to that issue despite that I tried different browsers and operating systems. Thanks for the employees who reply to the issue.


Thank you in advance!

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2 Replies

Hello FPGAXiaoBai,

That is, to apply Optane Persistent Memory to Stratix 10 DX FPGA, are there anything to buy except for the FPGA card and DDR-T IP? And are there any extra modification to the FPGA card to support Optane Persistent Memory?

  • If you already have the DDR-T license, I guess you already have the DDR-T package that contains patch, user guide, and release note. Then you should be able to apply the Optane Persistent Memory.
  • No extra modification is needed to the FPGA card.



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