FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP


Honored Contributor II

Hi all, 


AN431 reference design provides the qsys version of the pcie to external memory and the driver is not compatible with windows 7. Is there any reference design available with the non-qsys version and driver compatible to windows 7? 


Thanks in advance
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Starting with windows vista Microsoft is much more picky about windows drivers. There may be nothing wrong with the QSYS design. Contact an expert in windows device drivers for help installing the driver on windows 7.

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Honored Contributor II


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Hi all, 


AN431 reference design provides the qsys version of the pcie to external memory and the driver is not compatible with windows 7. Is there any reference design available with the non-qsys version and driver compatible to windows 7? 


Thanks in advance 

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What are you trying to accomplish? The Windows driver for this reference design just allows the associated Windows application to talk to and control the endpoint. For development purposes the Windows driver would be useless to you because I don't believe Altera provides the source code or any documentation for it. You would be better off finding a Linux reference design. 


By the way, AN431 says that the application (GUI) will run under Winows XP or Windows 7, so the driver would have to be compatible with Windows 7. Either that or the documentation is wrong. Better check with Altera. Or just try to install the driver. 


We've recently been playing with AN456 (PCI Express High Performance Reference Design), which is very similar to AN431 but uses internal memory instead of external memory. I tried this with an old Arria II GX dev kit under Windows 7 and the PC app could see the endpoint and read all the registers, but all attempts to DMA between the FPGA endpoint and system memory failed. So far we have not been able to determine why.
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