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6454 Discussions

difficulty with ALTMEMPHY for DDR2 interface

Honored Contributor II


I have some troubles with my design. I use MegaWizard, Quartus's Web edition, to create ALTMEMPHY. It releases many files such as: 


*_alt_mem_phy_ sii 





Module "alt_mem_phy_sequencer.vhd" is encrypted, so I can't see anything. How can I use this module? 

To ensure my logic is ok, I simulate them with my logic by using NCverilog 5.5. But the way ALTMEMPHY tool uses parameter is new to me. And when I run my simulation, it can not stop and print out may warnings. So you can give me your advice. 

I'm very impressed by ALTMEMPHY but I can't use it for a long time. 

Thank you in advance!
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